To help faith leaders navigate critical issues in the face of climate change, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF), Church in the Public Square, Second Presbyterian Church of Richmond, Union Presbyterian Seminary, and Virginia Interfaith Power and Light are co-hosting a two-day Faith Forum beginning Oct. 16. The forum will explore the vital role of spiritual leadership in caring for creation.
In the wake of the devastation caused by Hurricane Helene just after the extreme heat and downpours this summer, Virginia communities are facing unprecedented challenges. As faith leaders seek to support their communities in the aftermath of these disasters, they are also called to address the underlying causes of climate change and work towards building more resilient futures.
"As threats from climate change become increasingly evident, it is imperative that faith leaders come together to learn how they can support their communities in building resilience. This forum offers a valuable opportunity for spiritual leaders to connect, share experiences, and gain the knowledge and tools needed to address the challenges of climate change," said Ann Jurczyk, CBF’s Virginia Manager of Urban Restoration.
"The faith community plays a vital role in tackling climate change challenges. By leveraging their moral authority and convening power, faith leaders can inspire and mobilize their congregations to take action. This forum will provide a platform for faith leaders to learn about practical steps they can take to create a more sustainable and just future,” said Faith Harris, Executive Director of Virginia Interfaith Power and Light.
The Faith Forum will take place on October 16 at Second Presbyterian Church of Richmond and October 17 at Union Presbyterian Seminary in Richmond, Virginia.
Renowned keynote speakers Dr. Norman Wirzba and Dr. Melanie Harris will share their expertise on how spiritual leaders can inspire their congregations to embrace environmental justice and honor creation. The forum will provide a valuable platform for participants to connect with like-minded individuals, share experiences, and learn practical strategies for leading their communities toward a more sustainable future.
Registration for the Faith Forum closes on Monday, October 14. For more information and to register, click here.

Virginia Communications & Media Relations Manager, CBF
[email protected]