Let's Turn Promises into Progress for the Chesapeake Bay
January 23, 2025
Governor Wes Moore and legislative leaders have an important, though unenviable, task ahead for the remainder of the 2025 General Assembly session: meeting Maryland’s ambitious goals for environmental progress and climate resiliency while navigating a $3 billion budget shortfall.
Chesapeake Oyster Recovery Key to Climate Resilience, Community Vitality, and the Bay’s Future, New CBF Report Says
February 15, 2024
With Chesapeake Bay oyster recovery at a crucial point, building on current momentum will increase resiliency to climate change in the region while creating multiple benefits for people and the environment, according to a new report released today by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation.
Chesapeake Oyster Alliance Announces 2024 Oyster Innovation Awardees
January 9, 2024
To promote oyster aquaculture, outreach, and research in Maryland and Virginia, the Chesapeake Oyster Alliance (COA) will award 15 organizations a total of $140,000 for this year's Oyster Innovation Awards.
CBF Calls for Legislation to Boost Natural Filters During Maryland General Assembly Session
February 9, 2023
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) will be advocating for five priority bills designed to bolster the Bay’s natural filters and improve water quality during the 2023 Maryland General Assembly session.
Four Faces of the Oyster Industry
June 16, 2022
From oyster farmers to oyster shuckers, we asked four different key figures in the industry about their journeys toward saving the Chesapeake Bay's beloved bivalve.
Partners Introduce Oyster Spat to New Solar-Powered Aquaculture System in Baltimore
October 21, 2021
Staff from CBF and Solar Oysters loaded about 300,000 spat-on-shell oysters onto a new automated aquaculture platform in the Baltimore Harbor. The platform uses solar power to rotate large oyster cages filled with young oysters to clean the bivalves and help them grow over time.
Virginia Efforts Plant 3.5 Million Oysters This Season from the Northern Neck to the Eastern Shore
September 7, 2021
CBF's Virginia Oyster Team is completing its 2021 oyster restoration season today after raising about 3.5 million new oysters on innovative oyster barges docked at the Brock Environmental Center in Virginia Beach. The barges produced a CBF Virginia record high spat set this year.
Partnership Adds 78 Oyster Reef Balls off Coast of Chesapeake Beach, Maryland
July 29, 2021
CBF staff and project partners added 78 reef balls to the Maryland Artificial Reef Initiative site located in the Herring Bay oyster sanctuary. The oyster reef balls were placed about two miles offshore in a sanctuary protected from oyster harvesting.
CBF Praises House Passage of Legislation to Fund Priority Programs Next Year
July 29, 2021
CBF praised today’s passage by the U.S. House of Representatives of fiscal year 2022 spending bills that include promising budget numbers for EPA’s Chesapeake Bay Program, a new Interior Department program to restore habitat in the Bay watershed, and Army Corps of Engineers oyster restoration work.
CBF Cheers House Committee Push to Increase Oyster Restoration Funds in Fiscal 2022
July 16, 2021
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) welcomed the House Appropriations Committee’s approval today, 33-24 of a fiscal year 2022 budget for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers that would explicitly dedicate funds next year to on-going large-scale oyster restoration work in Maryland and Virginia.