Federal Funds Coming to Pennsylvania for Watershed Restoration Plans Coordinated by CBF — Thanks to Senators Casey and Cardin
March 16, 2022
Two watershed restoration plans coordinated by CBF in Pennsylvania will receive over $3 million in direct federal funding in the fiscal year 2022 omnibus spending package signed by President Biden on Tuesday.
CBF Statement on Maryland Senate's Approval of Climate Solutions Now Act
March 14, 2022
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) sees today’s Maryland state Senate vote approving the Climate Solutions Now Act as a first step toward significantly reducing statewide greenhouse gas emissions.
Regenerative Agriculture Pioneer Michael Heller Retires
March 11, 2022
Michael Heller, a regenerative farmer and environmental advocate whose career spanned more than 40 years, retired this month from the Chesapeake Bay Foundation.
CBF Encouraged by Fiscal 2022 Increases for Priority Programs
March 10, 2022
CBF is encouraged by House passage of a $1.5 trillion fiscal year 2022 omnibus spending package that would increase funding for three programs integral to restoring the Bay, its tributaries, and wildlife habitat across its six-state watershed.
Norfolk’s Lafayette River Holds Hundreds of Oysters per Square Meter
March 3, 2022
Restoration reefs built in Norfolk’s Lafayette River are thriving beyond expectations, with hundreds of oysters found growing per square meter during a recent survey by CBF.
Virginia Resiliency Bills Advance Flood Preparedness Work
February 28, 2022
To protect people and the environment across Virginia from flooding, rising seas, and extreme storms, Virginia legislators are currently considering several coastal resiliency proposals.
CBF Supports Legislation to Increase Enforcement of Maryland Environmental Regulations
February 23, 2022
CBF is announcing its strong support of new legislation being considered in the Maryland General Assembly to address the long-term decline in state enforcement of water pollution discharge permits.
Virginia House and Senate Release Clean Water Budgets
February 21, 2022
In separate budgets bills released this Sunday, the Virginia Senate and House of Delegates advanced proposals to fund state operations over the next two years. Both proposals provided unprecedented funding for programs to reduce pollution to the Chesapeake Bay in recognition of the looming 2025 deadline to meet Chesapeake Clean Water Blueprint restoration goals.
CBF Applauds House Committee Vote to Advance Bipartisan SEEE Act
February 16, 2022
CBF applauded the House Natural Resources Committee’s approval today of bipartisan legislation to reauthorize and boost funding for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Chesapeake Bay Office and expand environmental education about the Bay.
Virginia Budget Items Support Clean Water, Oysters, Mussels, and Environmental Education
February 16, 2022
As Virginia legislators consider the budget for the next two fiscal years, the CBF urges support for many important clean water initiatives.
New Report Details Farm Practices That Cut Pollution and Fight Climate Change
February 15, 2022
A new report from CBF highlights the multiple benefits of agricultural conservation practices essential to restoring the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries. Farm Forward examines practices that reduce pollution, combat climate change, improve soil health and farmers’ bottom lines, and boost local economies.
CBF Urges General Assembly to Pass Strong Climate Solutions Now Act of 2022
February 14, 2022
CBF is advocating for Maryland legislators this year to approve strengthened legislation aimed at reducing the state's greenhouse gas emissions to fight climate change.
ShoreRivers, DCPG, and CBF File to Intervene in Maryland’s Lawsuit Against Valley Proteins
February 14, 2022
On Friday, a coalition of organizations—ShoreRivers, Dorchester Citizens for Planned Growth, and Chesapeake Bay Foundation—filed a motion to intervene in a Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) lawsuit against Valley Proteins for violating wastewater pollution limits and permit requirements.
Pennsylvania’s Proposed Budget Has Opportunities for Cleaner Rivers and Streams
February 8, 2022
CBF issued the following statement from Pennsylvania Executive Director Shannon Gority, in response to Governor Tom Wolf’s $43.7 billion General Fund budget proposal for fiscal year 2022-23.
Proposed Interim Wetlands Definition Is a Good Start, but Needs More Clarity in Next Round
February 7, 2022
CBF and 26 other water quality groups today filed comments supporting the Biden administration’s proposal to effectively repeal its predecessor’s dangerously narrow wetlands rule and temporarily replace it with an updated version of the stronger rule in use before 2015.
Virginia Tree Cover Could Grow Under Legislation
February 4, 2022
Legislation in the Virginia General Assembly would broaden the authority of localities across Virginia to increase their tree canopies. Current law allows local tree programs to help replace or preserve some of the trees that would otherwise be lost to development, but only in some parts of the Commonwealth.
CBF Moves to Intervene to Uphold Air Board Decision in Mountain Valley Pipeline Lawsuit
February 1, 2022
In support of a recent decision by the Virginia State Air Pollution Control Board to deny the air permit for the proposed Lambert Compressor Station, CBF has filed a motion to intervene in a Mountain Valley Pipeline lawsuit pending in the U.S. Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals.
CBF Supports EPA: 'No Confidence' in Conowingo WIP
January 31, 2022
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) supports EPA’s decision that the agency has “no confidence” in the current plan to offset pollution from the Conowingo Dam. While the subject has been discussed for the last several years, to date the Bay jurisdictions have failed to develop a plan that would pay for those offsets.
Toxic Driveway Sealant Could Be Banned in Virginia Localities under New Bill
January 27, 2022
Toxic products used mainly to seal asphalt driveways for homes and neighborhoods could be banned in Virginia localities under legislation introduced by Del. Kathy Tran (HB 949).
To Rebuild Striped Bass Population, ASMFC Takes Next Step in New Fishery Plan
January 27, 2022
Facing a striped bass population decline, an Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) panel today voted to begin public comment on the next update to the striped bass fishery management plan, known as Amendment 7, next month.
CBF Commends EPA Regional Administrator for Strong Stance in Support of Chesapeake Bay Cleanup Requirements
January 26, 2022
EPA Region 3 Administrator Adam Ortiz reaffirmed the agency’s commitment to meeting the 2025 goals of the Chesapeake Bay Clean Water Blueprint at Tuesday night’s Maryland Environmental Legislative Summit.
Legislation Would Cripple Virginia Air and Water Boards, Reduce Public Transparency
January 26, 2022
Virginia’s citizen boards, including the Air Pollution Control Board and the State Water Control Board, would be crippled and public transparency eliminated under several bills introduced in the General Assembly.
New Maryland Climate Adaptation Report Card Finds Gaps In Addressing Climate Change Risks
January 21, 2022
Today, a new report card was released on Maryland’s climate adaptation progress. The report, issued by the University of Maryland Center of Environmental Science in partnership with Maryland’s Department of Natural Resources, provides a snapshot of several indicators that can be used to evaluate the state’s work to protect residents against the harmful effects of climate change.
CBF Statement in Response to Maryland’s Plan to Sue Baltimore over Wastewater Plant Pollution Violations
January 21, 2022
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) is issuing the following statement in response to the move by Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh to file legal action today against two Baltimore area wastewater treatment plants.
CBF Fisheries Scientist Testifies Before Congress on Bay Science and Habitat Restoration Bills
January 20, 2022
CBF fisheries scientist Allison Colden testified in Congress today in favor of legislation to protect coastal habitats and expand scientific research and education in the Bay watershed. Colden appeared before the House Natural Resource Committee’s Waters, Oceans, and Wildlife Subcommittee to discuss two bills critical to restoring the Bay and its tributaries and bolstering the region’s resiliency to climate change.
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