Volunteer in Maryland


A father and his young children plant a tree at Holly Beach Farm.

Nikki Davis

Join the farmers and get your hands dirty at Clagett Farm, learn how to be a champion for the Bay in our VoiCeS program, or plant some native trees. Check out all the ways you can get involved!

The Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) is very fortunate to have the help and support of thousands of residents who volunteer their time and who have demonstrated their commitment to a cleaner, healthier, Chesapeake Bay. Every year, volunteers donate more than 25,000 hours to CBF programs that advance the Bay's health. The immediate results of their work are impressive. But the value of their undertaking for future generations is priceless. We salute our volunteers for their contribution to a better community and a restored Bay.

Following are just a sampling of the many ways that you, too, can get involved.

If you would like to become involved and have not volunteered before or would like more information, please complete our Volunteer Information Form. If you are already a CBF volunteer and would like more information about current or specific opportunities, contact our office at 410-268-8816 or send an e-mail to [email protected].

In the Field

  • Father and children plant a tree at Holly Beach Farm.

    Father and children plant a tree at Holly Beach Farm.

    Nikki Davis

    Stream and Shoreline Restoration

    Planting native trees and shrubs along the banks of waterways is one of the most effective ways to keep polluted runoff out of streams. Creating living shorelines with native wetland plants and grasses helps restore habitat for wildlife, prevent erosion, capture sediment, and filter pollution.

    Check our calendar for current opportunities

  • Nikki Davis

    Clagett Farm

    During the growing season, there are opportunities to join us in the field as we maintain many diverse crops, we grow for our organic vegetable CSA programs. Volunteers also assist in Clagett Farm's tree nursery, potting thousands of trees in the spring and helping to keep them healthy throughout the season. The trees can then be used for CBF restoration projects! Find out more about Clagett Farm.

    Find seasonal volunteer opportunities on our calendar

  • Oyster Restoration

    Before their dramatic decline, the Chesapeake's native oysters were a powerful natural force in the Bay ecosystem, filtering contaminants from the water and providing habitat for crabs and fish. To bring back this key species, CBF's oyster restoration programs grow native oysters and transplant them to sanctuary reefs.

    Find out more about oyster restoration

  • CBF staff member stands amid orange baskets filled with oyster shell.

    CBF Staff

    Oyster Shell Recycling

    Through our Save Oyster Shells recycling program, shells that would typically be thrown away are saved and used for oyster restoration projects. Oyster larvae attach to cleaned oyster shell and are provided in reef restoration projects and to oyster gardeners.

    Find out where to drop off your shells and which local restaurants participate in the program

In Your Community

  • Advocacy

    CBF volunteer advocates speak for the Bay and its rivers and streams. They are the infantry in our fight for clean water, making their voices heard on public policy, legislation, development, and other issues that affect our waterways. Advocacy volunteers contribute at many levels. They show up at rallies, send e-mails, make phone calls, gather signatures for petitions, and remind citizens and public officials of the need to restore the Bay and its rivers and streams.

    Join CBF's Action Network

  • VoiCeS

    CBF's Volunteers as Chesapeake Stewards, or VoiCeS, program engages local volunteers and their communities and fosters a deeper understanding of the Bay watershed and the efforts to restore it.

    Learn more about CBF's VoiCeS Program


CBF's Annapolis and D.C. offices offer a limited number of internships for undergraduate and graduate students. Interns have the opportunity to work with a wide variety of environmental professionals on a host of water-quality related issues. Interested students should check our Internship Opportunities web page.

Pro Bono Assistance

Volunteering as a CBF pro bono volunteer is a great way to build professional skills while putting your talents to use to better your community and save the Bay. Whatever your talents—law, communications, finance, fund raising, to name just a few—please consider putting them to use for the Bay. 

The Bay Needs You

The State of the Bay Report makes it clear that the Bay needs our support now more than ever. Your donation helps the Chesapeake Bay Foundation maintain our momentum toward a restored Bay, rivers, and streams for today and generations to come.

Donate Today


Do you enjoy working with others to help clean the Chesapeake Bay? Do you have a few hours to spare? Whether growing oysters, planting trees, or advocating for a clean Bay, there are plenty of ways you can contribute.

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