Bay Cam
This penthouse overlooking CBF's Philip Merrill Environmental Center headquarters and the beautiful Bay has housed both geese and osprey over the years. Tune in and take a Zen break—if nothing else, enjoy those calming Bay waters in the background.
Bay Facts
The Chesapeake Bay is the largest estuary in the United States and its watershed is truly an extraordinary place. Here is sampling of some of the impressive facts and numbers about our wondrous Bay and watershed.
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Bay Stories
How Worried Should You Be About Striped Bass?
May 8, 2023
Under the ASMFC’s action last week, Atlantic Coast states will be implementing a 31-inch maximum size limit for striped bass.The organization also voted to start a process to make additional changes to fishery regulations later this year. Chris Moore, CBF’s Senior Regional Ecosystem Scientist, tells us what Bay anglers need to know.
Blue Catfish Disaster Funding Would Be Beneficial for Bay, Watermen
April 23, 2023
We want watermen to benefit from the bounty of blue catfish and other invasive species in the Bay, which would improve the Bay's overall ecosystem.
Student's Stream Dream Salutes Enslaved Kitty Payne
April 12, 2023
Student Aidan Kissner has succeeded in getting the little stream behind his house, which carries many personal memories, named "Kitty Payne Creek" so that it can get the respect, attention, and protection it deserves.
Many Questions Remain for Blue Crab Outlook
March 22, 2023
The season for catching Chesapeake Bay blue crabs is already underway in Virginia, and recreational crabbing will officially kick off in Maryland on April 1. Several boats have been plying the waters the past several months, however, to pursue the crustaceans not for steaming but for science.
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Bay Videos
We're bringing you out on the water and beyond with compelling stories and helpful tips about Bay life and the current challenges facing it.
Waterfront Homeowners Fight Erosion with Living Shorelines
12 Jan 2023 00:03:17Homeowners along Virginia waterways show how living shorelines both effectively control erosion and beautify properties.
2022 State of the Bay Press Conference
05 Jan 2023 01:16:52The Chesapeake Bay Foundation released its 2022 State of the Bay report, grading the health of the Bay and its rivers at a D+, unchanged from the 2020 score. While we've made significant progress, far too much pollution continues to plague our waterways, primarily from agricultural, urban, and suburban polluted runoff. Watch this video of our press conference.
Chesapeake Bay and 50 Years of the Clean Water Act
19 Oct 2022 00:03:49When Congress enacted the Clean Water Act over President Nixon's veto in 1972, the Chesapeake Bay was suffering from significant pollution problems. Now, 50 years later, we discuss the impact of this landmark federal law on the Bay's water quality, and what work is still left to do.
The Chesapeake Bay Blue Crab: Predators and Prey
15 Sep 2022 00:01:58
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Chesapeake Almanac Podcast

Chesapeake Bay Foundation
Take a week-by-week trip around the Chesapeake. Naturalist John Page Williams' fascinating seasonal natural history will enable those who love the Chesapeake to tune in to life around the Bay. What will you discover?
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From freshwater mussels to microplastics, CBF's webinars serve up timely, science-based explorations into Bay topics that will delight and inform. Browse our archive and find out what's coming up.
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Ask an Expert Series
How does the Chesapeake Bay's amazing natural system work? And how can we restore and protect it? Explore the answers with our CBF experts in this bite-sized video series.
Ask an Expert: What's the Bay's Shad and Herring Migration?
22 Apr 2020 Episode 7 | 00:02:40Where do shad and herring lay their eggs after migrating from the ocean? Chris Moore, CBF's Senior Regional Ecosystem Scientist, explores the remarkable spring shad and herring migration.
Ask an Expert: Why are Trees VIPs (Very Important Plants)?
14 Apr 2020 Episode 6 | 00:04:53How do trees battle climate change? Can trees reduce flooding? And how do trees lead to healthier rivers and streams? Join Harry Campbell, CBF's Science Policy and Advocacy Director in Pennsylvania, as he explores why trees are VIPs (Very Important Plants).
Ask an Expert: Why Do Ospreys and Eagles Come to the Bay?
09 Apr 2020 Episode 5 | 00:05:32Why do ospreys return to the Bay and its rivers every spring? How do they use aerodynamics while fishing? Can you tell a juvenile bald eagle from an adult? Retired Senior Naturalist John Page Williams explores the habits of these wonderful watershed birds.
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On the Water Resources
There are dozens of ways to experience the Chesapeake Bay and its rivers. From mobile apps to websites and maps, here's our selection of resources to help you get out on the Bay and its tributaries, paddle historic water trails, plan an excursion through history across the watershed, and even find healthy beaches.
Interactive Activities
Coloring Pages
Local artist David Scheirer has transformed his extraordinary art into coloring pages for you and your family to enjoy.
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Chesapeake Bay Crossword Puzzle
Test your Chesapeake Bay knowledge with our newest activity: a Chesapeake Bay crossword puzzle.
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Oyster Quiz
You may know a healthy Chesapeake Bay depends on water-filtering oysters. But what else do you know about the Bay's favorite bivalve? Take the popular oyster quiz to find out!
Take the Quiz
Bay Footprint Calculator
Use this fun and handy tool to identify ways your lifestyle adds pollution to the Bay and what you can do to reduce it.
Find Your Footprint
Bay Backgrounds

Photo credits from left: Glenn Woodell, William Mish, Edward Episcopo, Billy Garrett.
Bring the Bay to your next virtual meeting with one of our stunning Bay backgrounds.
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