Save the Bay Blog

CBF's Save the Bay Blog features a range of informative, engaging, and hopeful stories about CBF, our work, and conservation issues of the moment. Read on!

  • One Person, One Park, One Hour

    June 27, 2022

    Bay advocate Bill Hafker thinks beyond Clean the Bay Day.

  • Save the Bay News: All About Oysters

    June 24, 2022

    Our monthly roundup of engaging and educational content. This month we look at the importance of oysters and how we can restore and protect them.

  • Pass the Salt, Please

    June 17, 2022

    Oysters like things a little salty. So, what happens when the Bay gets fresh?

  • Four Faces of the Oyster Industry

    June 16, 2022

    From oyster farmers to oyster shuckers, we asked four different key figures in the industry about their journeys toward saving the Chesapeake Bay's beloved bivalve.

  • Eat Your Crabs, and Have Their Backs, Too

    June 10, 2022

    Blue crabs need our help and the most critical action we can take to help them is reducing the amount of pollution that flows into the bay.

  • Skies Clear in Pennsylvania as Volunteers Plant Thousands of Trees

    June 8, 2022

    Undampened spirit of volunteers and CBF staff quickly turn Keith Campbell Day of Service into 'Days' of service.

  • What to Do About Bay's Troubling Blue Crab Decline?

    June 6, 2022

    Two-prong approach needed to reverse decline of the iconic Chesapeake blue crab; scientists must research what's contributing to the species' decline, while fishery managers swiftly work to reverse it.

  • Infrastructure That Works for the Bay and for the People

    June 3, 2022

    The announcement from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency officials, increasing federal funding for Chesapeake Bay restoration earlier this month is cause for celebration, and reason to take careful note of what works.

  • Postcards from Paradise

    May 27, 2022

    Every summer, hundreds of teachers, principals, and administrators participate in a CBF's professional development immersion courses along the Bay and its rivers. In between testing water quality and setting crab pots, participants learn lessons to bring back to the classroom and fall in love with teaching again.

  • Save the Bay News: Headwaters, Hellbenders, and Stopping a Toxic Brew

    May 20, 2022

    Our monthly roundup of engaging and educational content. This month we look at the importance of headwaters and how we can restore and protect them.

  • Funding Crucial for the Future of Clean Water in Pennsylvania

    May 20, 2022

    The commonwealth's legislature has a once in a lifetime opportunity to act on its clean water commitment by passing the proposed spending budget and legislation to provide investments for critical financial and technical resources to farmers and communities for clean water.

  • Seeing the Watershed Anew

    May 17, 2022

    CBF President and CEO Hilary Harp Falk shares a new look at Bay restoration after an insightful first few months on the job.

  • A Symbol for Pennsylvania

    May 16, 2022

    The largest salamanders in North America were plentiful in the Bay watershed decades ago. Today, with their populations teetering and habitat facing multiple threats, the Eastern hellbender is still as charismatic and ugly a critter as ever.

  • When the Student Becomes the Teacher

    May 12, 2022

    As CBF holds a celebration marking the success of the Macon and Joan Brock Classroom, this is just one example of the many amazing ways our partnership with Virginia Beach City Public Schools is building the next generation of environmental leaders.

  • A Cleaner, Greener Future for Pennsylvania Is Within Our Reach

    May 10, 2022

    State legislators have the chance to enact change by passing the Clean Streams Fund.

  • Acid Mine Drainage: A Toxic Brew Flowing Downstream

    May 6, 2022

    The headwaters of Kittanning Run are like other coldwater fisheries in Pennsylvania. The stream is clear and supports diverse aquatic life. But less than a mile downstream, the Kittanning turns ugly.

  • Electrify Your Lawn Care to Help Save the Chesapeake Bay

    May 6, 2022

    Switching from gas-powered to electric lawn and garden equipment significantly reduces air pollution that contributes to smog—a major threat to human health—and the nitrogen pollution that harms waterways.

  • Save the Bay News: Plastic, Pollinator Gardens, and Trees from Space

    April 22, 2022

    Our monthly roundup of engaging and educational content for you to enjoy at home. This month we check in with a man on a mission to rid the Susquehanna River of plastic; see which plants will help you create a pollinator buffet; and track trees from space.

  • 52 Years of Earth Day

    April 21, 2022

    This Friday marks the 52nd anniversary of Earth Day. This important day set off an extraordinary movement to celebrate our natural world and inspire people from all walks of life to stand up for its critical protection and restoration. Look at the history of what this day has meant to all of us who insist on a clean and healthy Earth.

  • Saving the Bay from Space

    April 15, 2022

    With half a million new trees slated to take root in Pennsylvania over the next few months, the Keystone Ten Million Trees Partnership is getting help from landowners on the ground—and satellites in space.

  • River Protector

    April 13, 2022

    Pennsylvania resident John Naylor is on a mission to rid the Susquehanna of its plastic problem.

  • Five Facts You Didn’t Know About Beavers

    April 7, 2022

    These toothy, big-tailed creatures are some of the Chesapeake’s best Bay savers.

  • Enhancing the Environmental Justice Policy in Pennsylvania

    April 6, 2022

    The Department of Environmental Protection is working on long overdue updates to its EJ policy. Here’s how you can help.

  • Nine Reasons We Love Spring

    April 5, 2022

    As if we really needed a reason! Still here are some of our favorite things about this special season in the watershed.

  • Planting Trees, Building Community, Saving the Bay

    March 31, 2022

    Recent CBF intern Marina McCaney reflects on the trees she planted, the passionate people she met, and what she learned about saving the Chesapeake Bay.

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The Bay Needs You

The State of the Bay Report makes it clear that the Bay needs our support now more than ever. Your donation helps the Chesapeake Bay Foundation maintain our momentum toward a restored Bay, rivers, and streams for today and generations to come.

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