Stand with Us for Environmental Justice in the Chesapeake Bay Region!
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What Is Environmental Justice?
Environmental justice refers to the effort to ensure that people with lower incomes and BIPOC communities aren't disproportionately harmed by pollution and other environmental threats. There's a long history of undesirable facilities (think landfills, trash incinerators, or coal plants) being built where people have the least power—all too often communities with low incomes or largely BIPOC.
Clean water, clean air, and a safe environment are rights we all share.
Forty Years of Environmental Justice: Where is the Justice?
An article by CBF Vice President of Litigation Jon Mueller and Environmental Justice Staff Attorney Taylor Lilley was published in the Public Interest Law Review. "Forty Years of Environmental Justice: Where is the Justice?" examines the history of environmental justice (or EJ) primarily through the lens of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the White House, and evaluates the progress made in terms of regulations and permitting. It also examines recent administrative and judicial decisions addressing EJ claims and, in conclusion, provides recommendations for ways in which EJ issues can be better presented and addressed. Read the article
Here are a few of the ways CBF is working to ensure that everyone has equal access to clean water, clean air, and a safe environment.
Blog Posts
A Place to Grow
June 9, 2021
CBF Buy Fresh Buy Local Intern Katie Claggett discovers seeds of change at an urban farm in Baltimore, Maryland.
Save the Bay News: For Your Health, Restore the Bay
May 21, 2021
Our monthly roundup of engaging and educational content for you to enjoy at home. This month, we look at how the health of our communities is inseparable from the health of our environment.
5 Ways Bay Restoration Influences Your Health
May 19, 2021
What does water quality have to do with heart disease, stress, and memory? More than you may think!
From a ‘Cry for Survival’ to a Call to Action: President Biden Takes First Steps for the Chesapeake Bay
January 27, 2021
Early actions by the Biden administration will help us save the Bay by returning science to the core of federal decision-making, advancing environmental justice, and tackling climate change.
Trees Are Improving Communities and Virginia Legislators Can Help
January 7, 2021
Trees are a simple and effective tool to make Virginia neighborhoods more livable while providing a cost-effective option to address environmental concerns. In the upcoming General Assembly session, Virginia legislators should help cities and counties expand those efforts.
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