Making History

The Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) is accelerating efforts to bolster the natural resources needed to save the Chesapeake Bay.

The Chesapeake Bay's restoration has the potential to be the most dramatic example of environmental recovery ever seen. Pollution-reduction efforts are working. Underwater grasses continue to thrive. And dead zones are shrinking. The Bay is improving and becoming more resilient, but the recovery is fragile.

Now it is time to finish the job. The Chesapeake can become a model of environmental improvement—collaborative restoration based on science that can restore watersheds and clean water across the globe—all while enriching the lives of the watershed's 18 million residents.

That's why we have launched the Making History campaign. Focused on restoring two of the Bay's most effective natural filters—trees and oysters—the campaign will improve water quality, engage new advocates, and drive economic benefits across the region. Together with our partners, members, and other supporters, we can ensure a healthy Bay for us, our children, and grandchildren. Our efforts today will create a cleaner environment tomorrow.

This is history in the making.

Chesapeake Oyster Alliance

10 Billion Oysters for a Clean Chesapeake Bay

There will never be a restored Chesapeake Bay without a restored oyster population. Oysters are a water treatment powerhouse, filtering algae at astonishing rates. They also stabilize shorelines and create habitat for fish, crabs, and other species. But oyster populations in the Bay are a fraction of what they were during the explorations of Captain John Smith. Without an ambitious, collaborative effort, we will likely fall short of restoring this keystone species.

To accelerate restoration of the Bay's most effective filters, CBF and partners have formed the Chesapeake Oyster Alliance to put 10 billion new oysters in the Chesapeake Bay by 2025.

The Chesapeake Oyster Alliance is a coalition of non-profits, community organizations, oyster growers, and others focused on restoring oyster reefs, promoting science-based management of the oyster fishery, and supporting a growing oyster aquaculture industry.
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Keystone 10 Million Trees Partnership

For a Clean Pennsylvania

Trees are critical to life. They supply oxygen, reduce flooding, increase property values, mitigate the impacts climate change, and most importantly, provide clean water. Restoring and preserving trees alongside streams and streets in cities, suburbs, and farmland will have a profound effect on the health and economy of our region.

CBF along with partners have launched The Keystone 10 Million Trees Partnership, a collaborative effort of national and local agencies, conservation organizations, outdoors enthusiasts, businesses, and citizens committed to planting 10 million new trees in priority landscapes in Pennsylvania by the end of 2025. This bold effort will help Pennsylvania achieve its goal to plant roughly 96,000 acres of water-filtering forested buffers by 2025. Partners are committed to providing expertise and experience, technical assistance and supplies, volunteers, and legislative leadership.

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Chesapeake 1 Million Voices for Clean Water

To Restore the Bay, We Must Amplify Our Voices

We're stronger together. To save the Bay, it is essential that we have an engaged, active, diverse, and inclusive community of voices demanding a healthy and strong Chesapeake Bay.

The Chesapeake Bay Foundation launched Chesapeake 1 Million Voices for Clean Water campaign to advance funding and policy priorities for programs and practices that will help meet the goals of the Chesapeake Clean Water Blueprint by the end of 2025. Together we will fight for our future by building an army of advocates and supporters that reflects the diversity of the Bay watershed, and opposing threats with timely, strategic advocacy and litigation.
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Your donation helps the Chesapeake Bay Foundation maintain our momentum toward a restored Bay, rivers, and streams for today and generations to come.

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Save the Bay

Founded in 1967, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) is the largest independent conservation organization dedicated solely to saving the Bay.

Save the Bay
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