
  • Planting a 'Magical Seed'

    November 8, 2021

    Mira Lloyd Dock Award recipient Shauna Yorty is growing community connections in a Lancaster neighborhood.

  • Trees Help Beat City Heat

    November 8, 2021

    Mira Lloyd Dock Award recipient Kiasha Huling plants trees to cool the 'heat island' effect in Philadelphia.

  • Save the Bay News: SCUBA, Oysters, and Teaching Tech

    October 29, 2021

    Our monthly roundup of engaging and educational content for you to enjoy at home. This month, we look at how a diverse array of groups and individuals throughout the watershed are pushing Bay restoration forward.

  • Taking a Dive

    October 27, 2021

    Black Girls Dive Foundation students learn about science, technology, engineering, robotics, arts, and mathematics through SCUBA lessons.

  • Environmental Justice, More Than Just A Check Mark

    October 1, 2021

    Environmental justice starts in communities, not courtrooms.

  • Save the Bay News: Tropical Wood Stork, Trees for Cows, and a Richmond Oasis

    September 24, 2021

    Our monthly roundup of engaging and educational content for you to enjoy at home. This month, we look into some of the rivers and streams that make up the Chesapeake Bay watershed.

  • Infrastructure Investments Can Help the Environment, Improve Health and Create Jobs

    August 5, 2021

    Conservation groups across the commonwealth urge legislators to invest in clean water infrastructure projects that will create vast long-lasting benefits.

  • Save the Bay News: Herons, Oysters, and a New Kind of Classroom

    July 23, 2021

    Our monthly roundup of engaging and educational content for you to enjoy at home. This month, we look at how cities can be home to wildlife and provide students with hands-on educational nature experiences.

  • Healing Waters

    July 19, 2021

    Efrain Carcamo passes on his love of nature to his three children as they hunt for litter lodged by the current among rocks and branches along the James River in Richmond, VA.

  • Cuidando los Ríos

    July 19, 2021

    Efraín Carcamo y sus tres hijos cruzan rocas en la orilla del río James en Richmond, buscando basura que la corriente dejó entre piedras y ramas.

  • Pride for the Bay

    June 30, 2021

    Just as biodiversity is the key to a thriving ecosystem, human diversity is the key to saving the Bay and its rivers and streams.

  • A Place to Grow

    June 9, 2021

    CBF Buy Fresh Buy Local Intern Katie Claggett discovers seeds of change at an urban farm in Baltimore, Maryland.

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Do you enjoy working with others to help clean the Chesapeake Bay? Do you have a few hours to spare? Whether growing oysters, planting trees, or advocating for a clean Bay, there are plenty of ways you can contribute.

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