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Program capacity: 30 participants (grade 4 and above).
Combining the resources of a fully equipped research vessel with the hands-on experience of flatwater canoes, the Arthur Sherwood program allows students to gain a more complete understanding and appreciation of the ecosystem. From the Severn River to the open Bay and within sight of the Bay Bridge and U.S. Naval Academy, students aboard the Marguerite conduct biological sampling, identify marine and plant species, evaluate water quality, and dredge for oysters. Additionally, students explore the quiet, shallower waters of Meredith Creek, as well as Whitehall Bay, Hackett's Point oyster bar, and Holly Beach Farm, an ecological treasure where students can conduct water quality testing, use seining nets to examine marine species, and take part in forested buffer studies.
By comparing these different habitats, participants draw connections and ultimately gain a much greater understanding of the Chesapeake ecosystem, including the human impact on the health of the Bay.
Bring the watershed to life before and after your CBF Student Field Program using our curated list curriculum-based Resources for Teachers and Students.