Baltimore Harbor Environmental Education Program


The Snow Goose provides students and teachers the ability to study urban waterways on the Baltimore Harbor Environmental Education Program.

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Program capacity: 28 participants (grade 4 and above).

The workboat Snow Goose provides a unique platform from which participants study the dynamic relationship between the Port of Baltimore and the Chesapeake Bay's Patapsco River. Students investigate environmental issues and trends, often within the context of urban ecology. The Baltimore Harbor program is an excellent venue for students to learn about the fragility and the resiliency of ecosystems under the pressure of a modern working river.

Aboard the workboat Snow Goose, students access areas near superfund sites, brownfields, waste-water treatment plants and power plants, as well as a variety of local industries. Water quality investigations are complemented by the sampling of benthic, planktonic, and other aquatic communities.

Bring the watershed to life before and after your CBF Student Field Program using our curated list curriculum-based Resources for Teachers and Students.  

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Founded in 1967, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) is the largest independent conservation organization dedicated solely to saving the Bay.

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