
  • All About Oyster Gardening

    Find out all about oyster gardening along the Chesapeake Bay! CBF oyster gardeners raise baby oysters in wire cages hung off waterfront docks and care for them for a year until they can be planted on sanctuary reefs.

  • Waterfront Homeowners Fight Erosion with Living Shorelines

    Homeowners along Virginia waterways show how living shorelines both effectively control erosion and beautify properties.

  • 2022 State of the Bay Press Conference

    The Chesapeake Bay Foundation released its 2022 State of the Bay report, grading the health of the Bay and its rivers at a D+, unchanged from the 2020 score. While we've made significant progress, far too much pollution continues to plague our waterways, primarily from agricultural, urban, and suburban polluted runoff. Watch this video of our press conference.

  • Leave the Leaves

    Fallen leaves--when left on the ground--provide benefits to the health of soil, plants, wildlife, and water quality.

  • CBF Thanks You

    You are what makes our work possible. The real work of clean water is an ongoing and collective project. Thank you for supporting our work, our communities, and the watershed we share.

  • Environment Meets Community: Second Baptist Church

    How do you provide fresh produce in a food desert, reduce polluted runoff, and build a healthier community? Check out the story of Second Baptist Church in Richmond, Virginia.

  • Chesapeake Bay and 50 Years of the Clean Water Act

    When Congress enacted the Clean Water Act over President Nixon's veto in 1972, the Chesapeake Bay was suffering from significant pollution problems. Now, 50 years later, we discuss the impact of this landmark federal law on the Bay's water quality, and what work is still left to do.

  • Who Lives on an Oyster Reef?

    Oyster reefs create vital habitat for more than 300 species of Chesapeake Bay critters. Meet 10 of our favorites in this animated video.

  • How Do CBF's Oyster Restoration Barges Work?

    This one-of-a-kind mobile oyster nursery allows the Chesapeake Bay Foundation to restore the Bay’s oyster population more efficiently than ever.

  • Studying the Environment at CBF's Macon and Joan Brock Classroom.

    Juniors and seniors participating in the Virginia Beach City Public Schools Environmental Studies Program at CBF's Brock Environmental Center classroom share their joy of the program and future hopes and dreams.

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The State of the Bay Report makes it clear that the Bay needs our support now more than ever. Your donation helps the Chesapeake Bay Foundation maintain our momentum toward a restored Bay, rivers, and streams for today and generations to come.

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