Former EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler Appointed Virginia’s Next Secretary of Natural and Historic Resources

Virginia Governor-Elect Glenn Youngkin has appointed former EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler as Virginia’s next Secretary of Natural and Historic Resources.

Chesapeake Bay Foundation Virginia Executive Director Peggy Sanner issued the following statement. 

“Based on strong and wise leadership Virginia has recently achieved important environmental successes, including participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, the launch of a new coastal resiliency master plan, and programs to enhance flooding resiliency. Notably, with unprecedentedly strong revenues, the Commonwealth finally has a historic opportunity to fully fund key programs to achieve its longstanding goal of restoring the Chesapeake Bay. 

“We call on our next Secretary of Natural and Historic Resources, working with Governor-Elect Youngkin and experienced legislators, to seize this extraordinary opportunity to fully fund water quality programs for agriculture and stormwater and ensure Virginia meets its pollution reduction commitments under the Chesapeake Clean Water Blueprint by 2025 while preparing communities for threats from climate change.” 

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Kenny Fletcher 90x110

Kenny Fletcher

Director of Communications and Media Relations, CBF

[email protected]

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