CBF Urges Congress to Direct Large Share of USDA Budget Boost to Conservation Programs
August 24, 2021
CBF applauds the U.S. House of Representatives for adopting a budget resolution that boosts USDA funding by $89.1 billion. CBF urges lawmakers to invest a significant amount of those funds in conservation programs that improve soil health, reduce pollution, and bolster resilience to climate change.
Freshwater Mussels: Wild, Wonderful, and Waning
August 16, 2021
Carolina Slabshells, Tidewater Muckets, Green Floaters—an amazing diversity of freshwater mussels call the rivers and streams of the Bay watershed home. But we’re losing species faster than we can understand them.
Virginia's Next Governor Should Commit to Clean Water and the Good Life
August 13, 2021
As the governor’s race heats up, candidates should look to the Chesapeake Clean Water Blueprint for a big environmental win.
CBF Praises Additional USDA Funding in Senate Budget Resolution
August 9, 2021
CBF praised the fiscal year 2022 Senate budget resolution introduced today for including an increase of $135 billion over ten years for U.S. Department of Agriculture programs.
Infrastructure Investments Can Help the Environment, Improve Health and Create Jobs
August 5, 2021
Conservation groups across the commonwealth urge legislators to invest in clean water infrastructure projects that will create vast long-lasting benefits.
CBF Issuses Statement on 2020 Bay Grasses Survey Results
July 28, 2021
The Chesapeake Bay Program has released the results of the 2020 Bay grasses survey, which found a 7 percent decline from 2019.
CBF Endorses Sen. Casey’s Bill to Revitalize the Civilian Conservation Corps
July 22, 2021
CBF today endorsed legislation authored by Sen. Bob Casey (D-Pa) to create a new Civilian Conservation Corps that would put people to work restoring waterways and public lands, adopting sustainable farming practices, and improving resilience to climate change in local communities.
CBF Issues a Statement on the June Dead Zone Assessment
July 16, 2021
Data from the Maryland Department of Natural Resources and Old Dominion University found that the dead zone in the Chesapeake Bay was smaller than average in June.
Maryland’s 5 Million Tree Program Will Help Protect the Shore
July 7, 2021
Climate change is a pressing threat to Maryland’s Eastern Shore. Planting trees is a cost-effective way to help insulate communities against climate change and mitigate its more devastating effects.
Blue Crabs: How are They Doing?
June 23, 2021
Long-term, blue crabs in the Chesapeake Bay are doing better than they were. But a record low number of juvenile crabs this year raises the need for caution. Chris Moore, CBF's Senior Regional Ecosystem Scientist, breaks down the numbers and what they mean.
On National Soil Health Day, CBF Highlights Importance to Clean Water
June 23, 2021
As a member of the Virginia Soil Health Coalition, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation supports soil management for its ability to reduce polluted runoff from agriculture and trap carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
Life in a Rain Garden
June 11, 2021
For us, it's water infrastructure. For birds and insects, it's home.
5 Ways Bay Restoration Influences Your Health
May 19, 2021
What does water quality have to do with heart disease, stress, and memory? More than you may think!
CBF Applauds EPA Move to Restore States' Ability to Adopt Tougher Auto Standards
April 26, 2021
CBF applauds EPA’s proposal taking the first step toward restoring states’ authority to adopt tougher clean vehicle standards than the federal government requires in their fight against transportation emissions and climate change.
CBF Applauds Rep. Spanberger's Growing Climate Solutions Act
April 22, 2021
Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D-VA) today introduced bipartisan legislation to help farmers, ranchers, and foresters overcome barriers they face when trying to participate in voluntary carbon markets, where they can sell credits they earn for implementing climate-friendly conservation practices.
The Environment and Public Health: Connecting the Dots
April 7, 2021
The health of our communities is inseparable from the health of our environment. As policymakers and communities throughout the watershed face the compounding, urgent challenges of environmental degradation, public health crises, racial injustice, and climate change, solutions like these that offer significant co-benefits cannot be ignored. In caring for the Bay's health, we care for our own.
Clean Water, New Grass, and Space for Wildlife
February 16, 2021
Rotational grazing improves water quality and pasture quality at Funkhouser Farms in Virginia's Shenandoah Valley.
Students to Maryland Legislators: We Need Climate Solutions Now!
February 3, 2021
CBF Student Leaders from across the state spoke up about the need for strong climate legislation.
From a ‘Cry for Survival’ to a Call to Action: President Biden Takes First Steps for the Chesapeake Bay
January 27, 2021
Early actions by the Biden administration will help us save the Bay by returning science to the core of federal decision-making, advancing environmental justice, and tackling climate change.
It's Time for Maryland Leaders to Double Down on Support for Restoring the Chesapeake Bay
January 13, 2021
Maryland is at a crossroads in its efforts to meet pollution reduction goals in time for the 2025 bay cleanup deadline.
Trees Are Improving Communities and Virginia Legislators Can Help
January 7, 2021
Trees are a simple and effective tool to make Virginia neighborhoods more livable while providing a cost-effective option to address environmental concerns. In the upcoming General Assembly session, Virginia legislators should help cities and counties expand those efforts.
CBF's 2020 State of the Bay Score Down Slightly
January 5, 2021
This year, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation's assessment of the State of the Bay remained at a D+, but declined by one point from 2018. While concerning, the decline is largely due to ineffective management of the Bay's striped bass population, as opposed to water quality concerns.
Eight Ways the New Administration Can Save the Bay
December 30, 2020
There are only four years left to meet the goals of the Chesapeake Clean Water Blueprint. To help us get there, the Biden administration will have to hit the ground running.
Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Pennsylvania
November 23, 2020
The state is taking a stand against climate change and protecting human health, the environment, and the economy in the process.
Money Available for Hampton Residents to Plant Trees and Rain Gardens at Home
October 27, 2020
Hampton residents and businesses can receive funding this fall for planting trees, installing rain gardens, and other practices that reduce flooding and pollution by participating in the City’s RAIN (Resilient and Innovative Neighbor) Program.
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