Massive Baltimore Harbor Fish Kill Highlights Need for Further Pollution Reduction
September 5, 2024
Seasonal temperature changes combined with polluted water, algal blooms, and dead zones, resulted in roughly 24,000 dead fish in the Baltimore Harbor on Wednesday, September 4.
Between a Dead Zone and a Hot Place
August 20, 2024
Rising water temperatures and low-oxygen areas are yet another stressor for striped bass—especially young striped bass—in the Chesapeake Bay during summer. While management actions are the most immediate way to help striped bass, addressing chronic problems like the dead zone remains critical to the species’ long-term prospects.
Algal Mats Impair North Fork Shenandoah River
August 14, 2024
The North Fork Shenandoah River is once again experiencing excessive algal growth, restricting the community's full use of the river for fishing and swimming.
Warming Waters Bring a Storm of Challenges to the Bay
September 26, 2023
Rising water temperatures are reshaping the watershed and require restoration that takes climate change into account. Here are five things you should know.
Maryland Environmental Organizations Seek Judicial Review of New Valley Proteins Wastewater Permit
February 21, 2023
On Friday, Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF), Dorchester Citizens for Planned Growth (DCPG), Friends of the Nanticoke River, ShoreRivers, and Wicomico Environmental Trust filed a legal challenge against Maryland Department of the Environment’s (MDE) newly issued wastewater discharge permit for Valley Proteins’ animal waste rendering plant in Linkwood.
CBF's 2022 State of the Bay Score Unchanged
January 5, 2023
Overall, the unchanged score is largely a result of failures to make needed changes on farmland to reduce pollution.
Catching a Heat Wave
July 18, 2022
The Chesapeake Bay is warming. Researchers are finding out why—and what a hotter future means.
New Report Raises Questions about Maryland Department of the Environment’s Draft Wastewater Permit for Massive Eastern Shore Development
October 27, 2021
An engineering report being released today found several issues with Maryland Department of the Environment’s issuance of a draft wastewater permit that would enable the proposed Lakeside at Trappe development to spray wastewater onto fields near Miles Creek and the Choptank River.
Juvenile Striped Bass Numbers in Chesapeake Bay Remain below Average in Maryland
October 15, 2021
The Virginia Institute of Marine Science and the Maryland Department of Natural Resources today released the results of annual surveys of the juvenile striped bass population in the Chesapeake Bay. For the third consecutive year, the Maryland numbers are below average, while the Virginia numbers are about average.
Virginia Efforts Plant 3.5 Million Oysters This Season from the Northern Neck to the Eastern Shore
September 7, 2021
CBF's Virginia Oyster Team is completing its 2021 oyster restoration season today after raising about 3.5 million new oysters on innovative oyster barges docked at the Brock Environmental Center in Virginia Beach. The barges produced a CBF Virginia record high spat set this year.
What Does Hurricane Ida Mean for the Chesapeake Bay?
September 2, 2021
CBF's Director of Science and Agricultural Policy Beth McGee tells us what we need to know.
Harmful Algal Blooms: Red Tides, Cyanobacteria, and Filamentous Clumps are Clogging Chesapeake Waters
August 31, 2021
What are they, and what can we do about them?
CBF Urges Baltimore Department of Public Works to Fix Major Issues at Maryland’s Two Largest Wastewater Treatment Plants
August 31, 2021
CBF is urging Baltimore’s Department of Public Works to take swift action to address the litany of pollution problems revealed at the Back River and Patapsco wastewater treatment plants. The issues have the potential to significantly harm the success of Maryland’s ongoing Bay cleanup work, which depends on significant pollutant reductions from wastewater treatment plants.
Hampton Roads Faces Harmful Algal Blooms This Week
August 27, 2021
A proliferation of harmful algal blooms this week across Hampton Roads is clear in striking aerial photos and videos captured by CBF and American Multimedia Solutions near the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel on Aug. 26. The algae colored the water reddish-brown in many places, including Ocean View in Norfolk, Chic’s Beach in Virginia Beach, and the Lafayette and York rivers.
Congress Must Help Save the Chesapeake Bay
August 27, 2021
The ongoing bay cleanup provides Congress with an opportunity to demonstrate that we can reduce bay pollutants, such as nitrogen and phosphorus.
CBF Issues Statement on 2021 Dead Zone Forecast
June 23, 2021
The Chesapeake Bay’s dead zone is predicted to be smaller than average this summer. The forecast is largely based on the amount of rainfall from January to May.
Blue Crabs: How are They Doing?
June 23, 2021
Long-term, blue crabs in the Chesapeake Bay are doing better than they were. But a record low number of juvenile crabs this year raises the need for caution. Chris Moore, CBF's Senior Regional Ecosystem Scientist, breaks down the numbers and what they mean.
It's Time for Maryland Leaders to Double Down on Support for Restoring the Chesapeake Bay
January 13, 2021
Maryland is at a crossroads in its efforts to meet pollution reduction goals in time for the 2025 bay cleanup deadline.
CBF's 2020 State of the Bay Score Down Slightly
January 5, 2021
This year, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation's assessment of the State of the Bay remained at a D+, but declined by one point from 2018. While concerning, the decline is largely due to ineffective management of the Bay's striped bass population, as opposed to water quality concerns.
CBF Statement on 2020 Chesapeake Bay Dead Zone
October 28, 2020
This year’s small dead zone is another positive sign that watershed-wide Chesapeake Bay cleanup efforts are working.
Raking Leaves? Drop the Rake and Stop What You’re Doing
October 8, 2020
Tell your housemates and HOA, you’re saving the Bay by not raking!
CBF Issues Statement on the Chesapeake Bay Dead Zone Forecast
June 17, 2020
Researchers predict a slightly smaller than average dead zone this year, due to reduced rainfall this spring and less nitrogen pollution flowing into the Bay.
New Virginia Leadership Should Look to Blueprint for Clean Water, Climate Action, and Green Jobs
December 12, 2019
This session we can implement the blueprint, meaningfully address climate change, support green jobs and ensure clean water for future generations.
This Month in the Watershed: Teamwork Makes the Dream Work
September 30, 2019
Collaboration and teamwork are critical when working towards a goal as complex and challenging as saving the Bay.
CBF Assesses PA, MD, VA Plans to Achieve 2025 Pollution Reduction Goals
August 23, 2019
With only six years left for Bay jurisdictions to implement plans necessary to restore water quality in local rivers, streams, and the Chesapeake Bay, Bay jurisdictions have now sent the EPA their final plans that outline how the 2025 goal will be met.
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