
  • 2018 Bay Health Score Drops as Massive Rains Increase Pollution

    January 7, 2019

    (ANNAPOLIS, MD)—The Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s biennial State of the Bay report score decreased one point this year to 33, equivalent to a D+. The drop was largely due to increased pollution and poor water clarity caused by record regional rainfall.

  • CBF Statement on Proposed Changes to Mercury Air Toxics Standards

    December 28, 2018

    (ANNAPOLIS, MD)—Yesterday, the EPA proposed to change how it looks at the costs and benefits of the Mercury Air Toxics Standards.

  • A Sustainability Sham

    December 21, 2018

    A student who fails to complete all their assignments doesn't receive a passing grade. But if Omega Protein gets their way, this logic won't hold true in the world of fishery management.

  • CBF Statement on Gov. Northam Budget Proposal

    December 18, 2018

    (RICHMOND)—Today Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam announced his Administration’s budget proposal, which includes historic investments in programs to restore Virginia waterways and the Chesapeake Bay.

  • Photo of the Week: We Send Greetings!

    December 3, 2018

    A beautiful day at Hughlett Point Nature Preserve was made even nicer by a huge flock of pelicans arriving, a waving crab, and fishing for over 2 hours!

  • Seismic Blasting an Unacceptable Step Towards Offshore Drilling

    November 30, 2018

    (ANNAPOLIS, MD)—Today the National Marine Fisheries Service authorized five companies to conduct seismic blasting off a large area of the Atlantic Coast to search for oil and gas reserves.

  • Our Greatest Fears

    November 21, 2018

    Monday's presentation confirmed some of our greatest fears about the Bay’s oyster population. The results found that Maryland’s oyster population declined by more than half from around 600 million market size oysters in 1999 to less than 300 million in early 2018.

  • This Week in the Watershed: Dropping Temps, Changing Bay

    October 19, 2018

    Autumn is officially here, as temperatures have plummeted this past week. And the Bay and its rivers and streams are reacting to the dramatic shift.

  • This Week in the Watershed: Rain Repercussions

    September 14, 2018

    All eyes are south of the Bay watershed this week, as Hurricane Florence barrels towards the Carolinas. The storm is predicted to cause billions of dollars in damage, with historic flooding and devastating storm surge forecast.

  • Trump Plan Endangers Chesapeake Bay Blue Crabs

    August 28, 2018

    It's difficult growing up a crab. Cold winters, predators, dead zones, vanishing habitat — these are just some of the threats a young crustacean faces. And now, a plan by the Trump administration to open the Atlantic seaboard to oil and gas exploration and drilling could upset the already precarious life cycle of the Chesapeake Bay blue crab.

  • New EPA Coal Ash Rule Reduces Environmental Protections

    July 18, 2018

    (ANNAPOLIS, MD)—The Environmental Protection Agency has issued final rules governing the handling and monitoring of hazardous coal ash.

  • This Week in the Watershed: Bay Building Blocks

    June 29, 2018

    Speak of the Chesapeake Bay and thoughts of the mighty oyster or beloved blue crab are not far away. These treasured critters are not only delectable but are critical building blocks for the health of the Bay's ecology.

  • CBF Issues Statement on CBSAC Crab Report

    June 27, 2018

    (ANNAPOLIS, MD)—Chesapeake Bay Foundation interim Environmental Protection and Restoration Vice President Alison Prost issued this statement following the release of the Chesapeake Bay Stock Assessment Committee's (CBSAC) annual blue crab report.

  • Dredging Man-O-War Shoal Could Deplete Oyster Restoration Budget, with Uncertain Benefits

    June 18, 2018

    (ANNAPOLIS, MD)—Alison Prost, Maryland Executive Director, issued this statement following a media report that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on May 17 granted a request by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources to dredge up to five million bushels of oyster shells from the Man-O-War Shoals near the mouth of the Patapsco River over five years, and perhaps as many as 30 million bushels longer term.

  • 3,000 Bushels of Oyster Shell Needed by July to Bring Back Virginia Reefs

    May 10, 2018

    (VIRGINIA)—Restaurants and seafood lovers are urgently needed to help provide the 3,000 bushels of oyster shells needed by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation this year to build new oyster reefs.

  • This Month on the Bay: A Mahogany Tide in May

    May 9, 2018

    Mahogany tides are natural occurrences, but a bloom as widespread and deep as the one that came this week is a serious reminder of how much we have overfertilized our waters with nitrogen and phosphorus.

  • CBF Issues Statement on Winter Crab Dredge Survey Results

    May 9, 2018

    (ANNAPOLIS, MD)—Chesapeake Bay Foundation Senior Regional Ecosystem Scientist Chris Moore issued this statement following the release of the Winter Crab Dredge Survey results.

  • CBF Seeking Oyster Gardeners in Virginia

    April 18, 2018

    (VIRGINIA BEACH, VA)—The Chesapeake Bay Foundation is holding oyster gardening workshops this June on the Eastern Shore and in Hampton Roads, the Northern Neck, and Middle Peninsula that allow volunteers to support efforts by the Chesapeake Oyster Alliance to add 10 billion new oysters to the Bay by 2025.

  • This Month on the Bay: Springtime Silver in the Rivers in April

    April 12, 2018

    In the spring, our Chesapeake swells with silver: shad and river herring.

  • Anglers for Clean Water: John Bello

    March 14, 2018

    Like many of us "of a certain age," John Bello cut his angling teeth as a boy, with his father and an uncle bottom-fishing bait on oyster reefs for white perch, spot, croakers, and gray trout.

  • CBF Statement on Future of Menhaden Management in Virginia

    March 7, 2018

    (RICHMOND, VA)–Legislation aiming to protect menhaden and keep Virginia in compliance with the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission's (ASMFC) menhaden management plan has failed to advance in Virginia's General Assembly.

  • This Week in the Watershed: An Oyster Moon Race

    March 2, 2018

    Bold, ambitious, and audacious goals are usually met with one of two reactions—incredulity or inspiration.

  • Announcing the Chesapeake Oyster Alliance

    February 26, 2018

    Just this morning, more than 30 community groups, oyster growers, universities, and non-profits came together to commit to a goal of adding 10 billion water-filtering oysters to the Chesapeake Bay by 2025.

  • This Week in the Watershed: Acting Out

    February 23, 2018

    To save the Bay, accepting the status quo is often not an option.

  • CBF Statement on New VMRC Commissioner Steve Bowman

    February 23, 2018

    (RICHMOND, VA)—Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) Virginia Director Rebecca Tomazin issued the following statement on the appointment of Steve Bowman as commissioner of the Virginia Marine Resources Commission.

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