Webinar to Cover How to Make a Difference in Virginia’s General Assembly
December 8, 2017
(RICHMOND, VA)—The Chesapeake Bay Foundation is offering a free online workshop on Dec. 13 on how anyone can advocate for clean water and the environment during the upcoming Virginia General Assembly session.
This Week in the Watershed: Bunker Battle Continues
November 17, 2017
The message was loud, clear, and nearly unanimous. More than 127,000 individuals submitted comments to the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission, and when they were tallied, a resounding 99.6 percent were in support of an ecosystem-based approach to menhaden management.
This Week in the Watershed: Fighting for Forests
November 10, 2017
Right now, throughout the Chesapeake Bay watershed, trees are exploding with color. The beautiful foliage around every corner is just one of the many benefits trees provide.
This Week in the Watershed: A Critical Election
November 3, 2017
After last year's volatile election cycle, it's tempting to dismiss any call to the polls this season. But the Virginia gubernatorial election is only days away. And this election is critical.
This Week in the Watershed: Losing Our Compass
October 27, 2017
At the foundation of all the work to save the Bay is one fundamental element–science.
This Week in the Watershed: The Bay's Bread and Butter
October 20, 2017
There are only a few days left to help the most important fish in the sea.
This Week in the Watershed: Toxic Clouds
October 13, 2017
At first glance, emissions from a coal-fired power plant in Kentucky, Indiana, or Tennessee would seem completely unrelated to the health of the Chesapeake Bay.
This Week in the Watershed: If You Build It They Will Come
September 29, 2017
It goes without saying, but the Bay looked awfully different when Captain John Smith first navigated its waters in 1608. The journals of Smith reveal a Bay bursting with life.
This Week in the Watershed: From Trash Pits to Oyster Reefs
September 22, 2017
Archaeologists can learn a lot about a civilization by looking in one place–the trash pit.
This Week in the Watershed: Menhaden’s Moment
September 15, 2017
As we've written before, menhaden might not be a common feature on dinner plates, but there's a reason they’re often called "the most important fish in the sea."
CBF Issues Statement on Congressional Efforts to Derail the Blueprint
September 8, 2017
(ANNAPOLIS, MD)--Kim Coble, Chesapeake Bay Foundation Vice President for Environmental Protection and Restoration, issued this statement following the passage of Congressman Goodlatte’s amendment to H.R. 3354, the Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act 2018.
This Week in the Watershed: A Clean Water Consensus
September 8, 2017
It’s no secret we’re living in an era of division. On what feels like every issue, consensus is avoided like the plague. But despite this current political climate, we can all agree that clean water crosses party lines.
This Week in the Watershed: A Silver Bullet Illusion
August 11, 2017
We’ve said it before, but complex problems require complex solutions.
Outdoor Learning Is Important for next Generation of Leaders
August 10, 2017
For children growing up today with much more technology than I had, it’s hard to overstate the importance of learning outside
This Week in the Watershed: Spanning Generations
June 16, 2017
Inspiring. That’s the first word that came to mind when hearing the story of Walter Zadan, an integral volunteer for our Virginia oyster restoration team, who recently celebrated his 90th birthday.
This Week in the Watershed: Reason for Optimism
June 9, 2017
It's outrageous. The Trump administration's proposed federal budget zeroes out funding for clean water efforts, notably, the Chesapeake Clean Water Blueprint.
CBF Issues Statement on Proposed EPA Budget
May 23, 2017
(ANNAPOLIS, MD)—Today, the Trump Administration released the details of its fiscal year 2018 budget for the Environmental Protection Agency, which proposes to zero out funding for the Chesapeake Bay Program, the Great Lakes, and other EPA Geographic Programs.
CBF Issues Statement Following Passage of Funding for Bay Restoration
May 4, 2017
(ANNAPOLIS, MD)—Chesapeake Bay Foundation President William C. Baker issued this statement after Congress approved funding in support of Chesapeake Bay restoration efforts for the remainder of the 2017 fiscal year.
CBF Issues Statement on the Importance of the Federal Partnership in Continuing Bay Recovery
April 17, 2017
(ANNAPOLIS, MD)—Chesapeake Bay Foundation President William C. Baker issued the following statement on the importance of maintaining a federal partnership as the Bay continues to improve.
Poll: MD Voters Overwhelmingly Support Oyster Sanctuaries
February 24, 2017
(ANNAPOLIS, MD)—An overwhelming majority of Maryland voters across party lines support maintaining existing Chesapeake Bay oyster sanctuaries, according to a poll by a bipartisan research team commissioned by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF).
Five Important Advocacy Actions You Can Do Right Now
February 14, 2017
The Chesapeake Clean Water Blueprint is working. By all metrics, we are seeing progress. Citizens, businesses, and governments are rolling up their sleeves to reduce pollution. And it is working.
We give a *BLEEP* about NEPA. You should, too.
The government’s environmental moral compass is in serious danger of getting out of whack.
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