The More We Eat, the Less They Eat
October 20, 2022
The growing population of invasive blue catfish in the Bay spells trouble for species like blue crabs, but catching (and eating) them can help.
5th Annual Maryland Rod and Reef Slam Winners Announced
October 19, 2022
The Chesapeake Bay’s unique fishing tournament, the Rod and Reef Slam, wrapped up this past weekend with 35 participating anglers catching more than 130 fish, including 19 different species, over restored oyster reefs.
Maryland Rod and Reef Slam Fishing Tournament Returns for 5th Year with an Annapolis Beach Bash
August 31, 2022
The Chesapeake Bay’s unique fishing tournament—the Rod and Reef Slam—is celebrating its fifth year with a new beachfront after-party in Annapolis this October.
Bear Creek Superfund Designation Marks Turning Point for Removal of Legacy Pollution in Baltimore
March 18, 2022
The EPA has announced it would formally add Bear Creek to the Superfund National Priorities List, which will spur a federal cleanup effort in the polluted waterway near Baltimore.
Juvenile Striped Bass Numbers in Chesapeake Bay Remain below Average in Maryland
October 15, 2021
The Virginia Institute of Marine Science and the Maryland Department of Natural Resources today released the results of annual surveys of the juvenile striped bass population in the Chesapeake Bay. For the third consecutive year, the Maryland numbers are below average, while the Virginia numbers are about average.
Prizes Announced for Rod and Reef Slam Fishing Tournament That Starts Oct. 9
October 5, 2021
Anglers who catch the most different species of fish in the unique Rod and Reef Slam Fishing Tournament can win a grand prize worth up to $1,400 in Under Armour fishing apparel and All Tackle gift certificates while division winners receive other exciting prizes.
CBF Issues Statement on EPA Proposal to Add Bear Creek Sediments Site to Superfund List
September 8, 2021
Today, the federal Environmental Protection Agency proposed adding at least 60 acres of Bear Creek in Baltimore County to the Superfund National Priorities List (NPL). The NPL lists hazardous waste sites eligible for cleanup financed by the federal Superfund program.
Rod and Reef Slam Fishing Tournament Returns This October in Maryland
September 1, 2021
The Rod and Reef Slam Fishing Tournament returns for its fourth year in Maryland waters this fall from Oct. 9 to Oct. 17. The contest is designed to highlight the diversity of fish that surround oyster reefs. To do that, anglers will fish in areas where oyster reefs have been restored in Maryland.
Hampton Roads Faces Harmful Algal Blooms This Week
August 27, 2021
A proliferation of harmful algal blooms this week across Hampton Roads is clear in striking aerial photos and videos captured by CBF and American Multimedia Solutions near the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel on Aug. 26. The algae colored the water reddish-brown in many places, including Ocean View in Norfolk, Chic’s Beach in Virginia Beach, and the Lafayette and York rivers.
Save the Bay News: Urban Watersheds, Community Farms, and Rain Gardens
June 17, 2021
Our monthly roundup of engaging and educational content for you to enjoy at home. This month, we look at the opportunities cities have to help stop pollution in the Bay and its rivers and streams.
Save the Bay News: For Your Health, Restore the Bay
May 21, 2021
Our monthly roundup of engaging and educational content for you to enjoy at home. This month, we look at how the health of our communities is inseparable from the health of our environment.
Healthy Fishing Along the Anacostia
May 5, 2021
Cultivating healthy anglers and stewards of our waters in the Latino community.
Smallmouth Bass are Making a Comeback
August 27, 2020
After years of struggling with pollution and disease, some populations of smallmouth bass are making a slow recovery.
ASMFC Approves Striped Bass Conservation Plans
February 5, 2020
Yesterday, the Atlantic Striped Bass Management Board of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission reviewed and approved conservation equivalency proposals for striped bass management designed to reduce harvest by 18 percent along the Atlantic Coast.
Trees and Grasses Make a Haven for Wildlife and Clean Water
December 17, 2019
Planting trees to protect Elk Creek in Centre County has given landowner Chip Brown more bang for the buck by improving habitat for fur, feathered, and finned wildlife.
Is It Really Worth It?
September 11, 2019
The Trump administration's move toward drilling in the Atlantic threatens our way of life.
Striped Bass Limits Changed in Virginia
August 27, 2019
Today the Virginia Marine Resources Commission approved emergency changes to the regulations for Virginia’s striped bass fisheries, including lowering the daily limit for the fall recreational season from two fish to one fish.
What's the Deal with the Dead Zone?
June 19, 2019
Scientists are predicting one of the largest dead zones in decades in the Bay this summer. But what does that really mean? Dr. Beth McGee answers all our questions.
Blue Catfish: How to Think about an Invasive Species
June 6, 2019
This Week in the Watershed: The Bay's Cornerstone
February 22, 2019
Following decades of restoration work, we are making progress restoring the Bay's native oyster population. And two pieces of legislation before the Maryland General Assembly would take restoration efforts even further.
A Sustainability Sham
December 21, 2018
A student who fails to complete all their assignments doesn't receive a passing grade. But if Omega Protein gets their way, this logic won't hold true in the world of fishery management.
This Week in the Watershed: Bivalve Blues
December 7, 2018
During the rush of Thanksgiving week, a critical report was released on the current and future state of oysters in Maryland. And it didn’t bring good news.
CBF Opposes Menhaden Sustainability Certification
December 4, 2018
(RICHMOND)—Omega Protein's Atlantic menhaden fishery was recommended for a leading seafood sustainability certification by the Marine Stewardship Council in a draft report released today by analyst SAI Global.
Our Greatest Fears
November 21, 2018
Monday's presentation confirmed some of our greatest fears about the Bay’s oyster population. The results found that Maryland’s oyster population declined by more than half from around 600 million market size oysters in 1999 to less than 300 million in early 2018.
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