CBF Calls on MDE to Deny Hurlock Spray Irrigation Permit
December 1, 2022
CBF scientists are concerned a groundwater discharge permit renewal that would enable the Town of Hurlock’s wastewater treatment plant to continue spraying 725,000 gallons of treated wastewater per day onto farm fields puts water quality and wildlife at risk.
CBF Issues Statement On EPA Analysis of PA WIP
November 22, 2022
On Monday the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced that Pennsylvania’s final Watershed Implementation Plan did not demonstrate how the Commonwealth would meet its Bay Restoration goals for nitrogen and sediment pollution reduction.
CBF Statement on 2022 Chesapeake Bay Dead Zone Survey Results
November 17, 2022
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) is encouraged by new survey results released Wednesday by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources and Old Dominon University that found the area of low dissolved oxygen in the Bay was better than average for 2022.
CBF Statement on Updated Lakeside at Trappe Discharge Permit
October 28, 2022
On Thursday, Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) released a final determination on a new discharge permit for the Lakeside at Trappe development on Maryland’s Eastern Shore.
Be the Change
October 27, 2022
For the Islamic Society of Baltimore's Green Team, caring for nature is caring for each other.
Save the Bay News: Environmental Rights, Wetland Fights, and Clean Water
October 21, 2022
Our monthly roundup of engaging and educational content. This month we look at a legislation model to advance clean water protections and climate action, the federal Clean Water Act, and a pivotal Supreme Court case that could jeopardize wetlands.
The Real Work of Clean Water
October 18, 2022
Fifty years after the passage of the landmark Clean Water Act, the restoration of rivers, streams, lakes, and coastal waters remains an ongoing and collective project.
Two Jars of Water, and a Lasting Environmental Legacy for Pennsylvania
October 14, 2022
More than fifty years after the Pennsylvania constitution's Environmental Rights Amendment passed, Franklin L. Kury reflects on how the amendment continues to be a driver for protecting all Pennsylvanians' rights to clean water, air, and a healthy environment.
Roots in Rocky Soil
October 11, 2022
Trees, bees, and goats are all part of Tim Wagner's vision to build a farm and a community in central Pennsylvania.
Wetlands Are Waters, Too
September 29, 2022
An upcoming Supreme Court decision could determine the fate of thousands of acres of wetlands in the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
Speaking for the Streams
September 20, 2022
Nancy Kelly has waded, assessed, and protected the Bay's rivers for decades.
Judge Halts Abingdon Woods Deforestation after CBF Files Second Injunction Request
September 16, 2022
A Harford Circuit Court judge today granted CBF’s request for a temporary restraining order to halt the ongoing tree clearing at Abingdon Woods for a proposed warehouse project.
Save the Bay News: An Ancient Fish in Danger, Farmer Funds, and Crabs
September 16, 2022
Our monthly roundup of engaging and educational content. This month we look into concerns over a proposed salmon factory, recent landmark federal legislation, crabs, and the latest survey of underwater grasses.
CBF and Partners Secure Consent Decree and Fines to Stop Pollution From Valley Proteins
September 12, 2022
Eastern Shore chicken rendering plant had been violating pollution limits for years.
Lake Anna Added to Virginia Dirty Waters List
August 23, 2022
Algal blooms threaten a water lover's paradise.
An Ancient Fish in Danger
August 17, 2022
A proposed salmon factory puts Maryland's endangered Atlantic sturgeon population at risk.
Funding Farmers to Save the Bay
August 16, 2022
Big federal investment to fight climate change will help farmers too.
AquaCon's Proposed Salmon Farm is a Major Environmental Risk for Maryland
August 8, 2022
State regulators need to do more to protect surrounding communities and guarantee pollution in local waterways won't get worse.
Pennsylvania Budget's Historic Investments In Clean Water Is A Watershed Moment
August 1, 2022
From the Capitol to croplands, making good on these landmark investments is vital to our health, economic well-being, and quality of life.
Talking Soil Health With 4 the Soil
July 28, 2022
CBF Watershed Restoration Specialist, Matt Kowalski speaks with Jeff Ishee and Eric Bendfeldt from the '4 the Soil: A Conversation' podcast, about soil health and water quality.
Save the Bay News: Hurricanes, Heat Waves, and Unpaving Paradise
July 22, 2022
Our monthly roundup of engaging and educational content. This month we look at the impacts of climate change and the things we can do to make communities, and the Bay, more resilient.
Tracing a River's Rage
July 20, 2022
Kicking off a week-long exploration of the Chesapeake Bay, students connect the dots between climate change, communities, and water quality in Ellicott City, Maryland and beyond.
Let's Clean Up and Protect Western Pennsylvania's Waterways
June 29, 2022
We fouled our precious waterways, now it is time to clean them up. Over one-third of Pennsylvania's waters are impaired and western Pennsylvania's streams are no exception.
One Person, One Park, One Hour
June 27, 2022
Bay advocate Bill Hafker thinks beyond Clean the Bay Day.
CBF Issues Statement on Bay Program Pollution Data
June 22, 2022
Today, the Chesapeake Bay Program released its modeled estimate of pollution reduced over the last year. As part of the Chesapeake Clean Water Blueprint, Bay jurisdictions committed to implementing the practices and programs by 2025 that will lead to restored water quality in local rivers, streams, and the Chesapeake Bay.
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