CBF Applauds Governor Wolf’s Call for $737 Million to Support Farmers’ Clean Water and Climate Change Efforts
September 7, 2021
CBF issued a statement from Pennsylvania Executive Director Shannon Gority today, commending Governor Tom Wolf for urging U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack to implement the $737 million Chesapeake Bay Resilient Farms Initiative (CRFI).
CBF Urges Baltimore Department of Public Works to Fix Major Issues at Maryland’s Two Largest Wastewater Treatment Plants
August 31, 2021
CBF is urging Baltimore’s Department of Public Works to take swift action to address the litany of pollution problems revealed at the Back River and Patapsco wastewater treatment plants. The issues have the potential to significantly harm the success of Maryland’s ongoing Bay cleanup work, which depends on significant pollutant reductions from wastewater treatment plants.
CBF Issuses Statement on 2020 Bay Grasses Survey Results
July 28, 2021
The Chesapeake Bay Program has released the results of the 2020 Bay grasses survey, which found a 7 percent decline from 2019.
CBF Issues a Statement on the June Dead Zone Assessment
July 16, 2021
Data from the Maryland Department of Natural Resources and Old Dominion University found that the dead zone in the Chesapeake Bay was smaller than average in June.
Blue Crabs: How are They Doing?
June 23, 2021
Long-term, blue crabs in the Chesapeake Bay are doing better than they were. But a record low number of juvenile crabs this year raises the need for caution. Chris Moore, CBF's Senior Regional Ecosystem Scientist, breaks down the numbers and what they mean.
CBF Issues Statement on 2021 Dead Zone Forecast
June 23, 2021
The Chesapeake Bay’s dead zone is predicted to be smaller than average this summer. The forecast is largely based on the amount of rainfall from January to May.
CBF Statement on the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's Decision to Relicense Conowingo Dam
March 18, 2021
Today, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) approved the relicensing of the Conowingo Hydroelectric Project, effectively ratifying Maryland’s settlement offer with Exelon to enable the utility to continue operating Conowingo Dam. The settlement fails to adequately address water pollution issues associated with the dam’s operations.
Save the Bay News: How Farms Can Save the Bay
February 19, 2021
Our monthly roundup of engaging and educational content for you to enjoy at home. This month, we look at some of the farmers implementing conservation measures to help save the Bay.
Partners in Clean Water
February 10, 2021
For Chesapeake farmers to help save the Bay, the Biden administration needs to partner with them.
It's Time for Maryland Leaders to Double Down on Support for Restoring the Chesapeake Bay
January 13, 2021
Maryland is at a crossroads in its efforts to meet pollution reduction goals in time for the 2025 bay cleanup deadline.
CBF Student Leaders Ask Congress to Save the Bay
January 11, 2021
As the 117th Congress is sworn in, a group of students has come together to share their thoughts on what the federal government needs to do to save the Bay.
CBF's 2020 State of the Bay Score Down Slightly
January 5, 2021
This year, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation's assessment of the State of the Bay remained at a D+, but declined by one point from 2018. While concerning, the decline is largely due to ineffective management of the Bay's striped bass population, as opposed to water quality concerns.
On Poultry Pollution, Virginia Misses Opportunity
December 9, 2020
Today, Virginia’s State Water Control Board approved the 10-year general permit for managing waste from poultry farming operations in Virginia.
CBF Applauds House Passage of Ecosystem Restoration Bill
December 8, 2020
The U.S. House of Representatives today overwhelmingly approved the Water Resources Development Act of 2020, which authorizes ecosystem restoration projects in the Chesapeake Bay watershed and around the country.
More Than 50 Acres of Tree, Shrub, and Meadow Plantings Underway in Several Maryland Eastern Shore Jurisdictions
December 8, 2020
The work represents the first projects put together through a unique collaboration of counties, cities, towns, and environmental organizations.
CBF Issues Statement on Motion to Dismiss EPA Lawsuits
November 22, 2020
The Justice Department, representing EPA, has filed motions to dismiss separate lawsuits filed by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation and its partners.
CBF Statement on Virginia Oyster Restoration Progress
November 20, 2020
Yesterday Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam celebrated the Commonwealth’s approval of $10 million in bond financing for oyster reef restoration in Virginia waters and praised the completion of oyster reef habitat construction in the Eastern Branch of the Elizabeth River.
Raiding Dedicated Conservation Funds to Plug the State’s Budget Gap Would Further Damage Pennsylvania’s Environment
November 18, 2020
As Pennsylvania legislators begin looking under the Commonwealth’s cushions for enough spare change to plug a state budget gap that could be higher than $4 billion, they should keep hands off of funds already dedicated to conservation and environmental programs.
Trees? Yes, Please!
November 9, 2020
With the help of a new $2 million grant, we’re working with partners to plant 360 acres of streamside forest buffers, train on-the-ground technicians, and boost local clean water plans in eight Pennsylvania counties.
CBF Suing EPA Will Benefit Pennsylvanians
October 20, 2020
In this season and all going forward, we should remind those elected to serve us and who may have forgotten, that clean water counts in Pennsylvania.
CBF Cheers House Passage of Conservation Bill Reauthorizing Bay Programs, Urges President to Sign Soon
October 1, 2020
Today, the U.S. House of Representatives approved the America’s Conservation Enhancement (ACE) Act by a vote of
CBF Applauds Senate Cost-Share Bill That Invests in Clean Water Efforts by Pennsylvania Farmers
September 25, 2020
CBF is applauding new legislation in the state Senate that will offer financial support that farmers in Pennsylvania want and need so they can keep soil on the land, reduce polluted runoff into local streams, and protect their long-term viability.
CBF Steps up Efforts to Ensure Trees Are Available for Planting
September 24, 2020
CBF, which coordinates the Keystone 10 Million Trees Partnership, is spending about $2.6 million for 710,000 trees, shelters, and stakes to supply plantings through 2022.
Planting Trees in Pennsylvania to Save the Bay
September 16, 2020
It will take the work of many hands for Pennsylvania to lessen its impact as the greatest source of pollution to the Chesapeake Bay.
CBF to Sue EPA over Failure to Hold Pennsylvania and New York Accountable for Not Meeting Clean Water Act Obligations
September 10, 2020
Today, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation and its partners will file a complaint suing the federal Environmental Protection Agency for abdicating its responsibilities under the Clean Water Act
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