Their View: State Needs to Step Up Support of Those Working Hard to Clean Up Rivers and Streams
July 9, 2019
CBF's PA Executive Director was featured as a Guest Columnist in Time Leaders, discussing PA's role in the Chesapeake Clean Water Blueprint.
CBF Cites Lack of Funding for Clean Water in PA Budget
June 28, 2019
Harry Campbell, executive director for the Chesapeake Bay Foundation in Pennsylvania, issued this statement about the $34 billion General Fund budget for 2019-20, negotiated by the legislature and signed by Governor Tom Wolf.
CBF Urges House Not to Pass Senate Bill That Would Redefine Pollution
June 27, 2019
(HARRISBURG, PA)—Harry Campbell, executive director for the Chesapeake Bay Foundation in Pennsylvania, issued this statement after the state Senate's narrow vote to approve Senate Bill 619, which would redefine the term "pollution" in the Clean Streams Law, and potentially allow for certain spills and discharges to go unreported and unregulated.
CBF Issues Statement on Increased Funding for the Chesapeake Bay Program
June 25, 2019
(ANNAPOLIS, MD)—Instead of decreasing funding for the Chesapeake Bay Program by 90 percent, as the Trump Administration proposed, the House increased funding from $73 million to $85 million.
CBF Opposes Rollback of EPA Clean Water Protections
June 7, 2019
(ANNAPOLIS, MD)—The Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) opposes a proposed new EPA interpretation of the legal framework for protecting surface waters like streams and the Chesapeake Bay from pollution travelling through groundwater.
A Watershed Moment
May 31, 2019
The Bay's recovery is fragile. And we are at a pivotal time to save the Bay.
PA Gets a Hellbender of an Official State Amphibian
April 23, 2019
(HARRISBURG, PA)—“Today is a victory not only for hellbenders and clean water, but also for the power of student voices."
"That's All There Is"
April 22, 2019
Remembering Earth Day Founder Senator Gaylord Nelson 49 years later.
Chesapeake Bay Foundation Opposes Changes to Mercury and Air Toxics Standards
April 18, 2019
(ANNAPOLIS, MD)—The Chesapeake Bay Foundation has submitted comments to EPA opposing proposed changes to the analysis underlying the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards.
Caring Vet is a Hero Among 'Heroes'
April 17, 2019
Retired Navy Senior Chief and Chef Adam Gagne relishes the chance to share his passion for kayak fishing with veterans and first responders.
Pennsylvania House Passes Bill Making the Eastern Hellbender PA’s Official State Amphibian
April 16, 2019
(HARRISBURG, PA)—A bill designating the Eastern hellbender as Pennsylvania's official state amphibian is headed to Governor Tom Wolf's desk.
CBF Issues Statement on Trump Executive Order
April 12, 2019
(ANNAPOLIS, MD)—President Trump has signed an Executive Order that benefits the energy industry and will limit the ability of states to provide critical oversight.
CBF Urges Full Implementation of Commonwealth’s Plan to Reduce Pollution in Rivers and Streams
April 12, 2019
(HARRISBURG, PA)—The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania today released its draft plan to ensure that programs and practices are in place to reduce pollution in the Keystone State's rivers and streams by 2025.
CBF Files Comments Opposing Replacement of the WOTUS Rule
April 12, 2019
(ANNAPOLIS, MD)—The Chesapeake Bay Foundation today filed comments on the proposed replacement for the 2015 Waters of the U.S. rule.
Farmer Profiles: Dave Graybill
April 4, 2019
“You have to control the good things in your environment.”
CBF Issues Statement on the Bay Barometer Report
April 2, 2019
(ANNAPOLIS, MD)—Today, the Chesapeake Bay Program released its annual Bay Barometer report, looking at 19 environmental indicators. Questions have been asked about the difference in the Bay Barometer and the Chesapeake Bay Foundation's State of the Bay score, which declined in 2018.
This Month on the Bay: March’s Lion Has Lost His Teeth
March 21, 2019
True to form, March 2019 came in like a lion this year.
This Week in the Watershed: A Slap in the Face
March 15, 2019
Whether on cable news, your social media feed, or at the family dinner table, political bickering feels inescapable. But across the Chesapeake Bay watershed, individuals of all political persuasions can all agree on one topic–clean water.
What We Owe to Rachel Carson
March 14, 2019
In honor of Women’s History Month, we are looking back at some of the natural world’s greatest heroines. And perhaps there’s no one more deserving of that description than Rachel Carson. Back in 1962—before there was an Earth Day, or EPA, or even a Chesapeake Bay Foundation—Rachel Carson wrote Silent Spring. The book that started it all, Spring is credited for launching the modern environmental movement.
CBF Issues Statement on Trump Budget
March 11, 2019
(ANNAPOLIS, MD)—The Trump Administration budget proposes to reduce spending for EPA by 31 percent.
CBF Issues Statement on Proposed 90 Percent Cut to Chesapeake Bay Program
March 11, 2019
(ANNAPOLIS, MD)—Currently funded at $73 million, the budget proposes reducing funding to $7.3 million, a 90 percent cut.
This Week in the Watershed: The Bulldozers Are Waiting
March 1, 2019
It’s a scene that’s far too common. A fleet of gas-guzzling bulldozers flatten acres of high-value, mature, and healthy forest. In a flash, decades, even centuries, of nature’s hard work is reduced to stumps and mud.
This Week in the Watershed: The Bay's Cornerstone
February 22, 2019
Following decades of restoration work, we are making progress restoring the Bay's native oyster population. And two pieces of legislation before the Maryland General Assembly would take restoration efforts even further.
This Week in the Watershed: Exposing Our Values
February 15, 2019
There is perhaps no document more revealing than a budget.
CBF Issues Statement on Waters of the United States Rule
February 14, 2019
(ANNAPOLIS, MD)—The changes would remove protections for some wetlands and intermittent streams.
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