CBF Supports Legislation to Increase Enforcement of Maryland Environmental Regulations
February 23, 2022
CBF is announcing its strong support of new legislation being considered in the Maryland General Assembly to address the long-term decline in state enforcement of water pollution discharge permits.
New Report Details Farm Practices That Cut Pollution and Fight Climate Change
February 15, 2022
A new report from CBF highlights the multiple benefits of agricultural conservation practices essential to restoring the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries. Farm Forward examines practices that reduce pollution, combat climate change, improve soil health and farmers’ bottom lines, and boost local economies.
ShoreRivers, DCPG, and CBF File to Intervene in Maryland’s Lawsuit Against Valley Proteins
February 14, 2022
On Friday, a coalition of organizations—ShoreRivers, Dorchester Citizens for Planned Growth, and Chesapeake Bay Foundation—filed a motion to intervene in a Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) lawsuit against Valley Proteins for violating wastewater pollution limits and permit requirements.
CBF Urges General Assembly to Pass Strong Climate Solutions Now Act of 2022
February 14, 2022
CBF is advocating for Maryland legislators this year to approve strengthened legislation aimed at reducing the state's greenhouse gas emissions to fight climate change.
To Rebuild Striped Bass Population, ASMFC Takes Next Step in New Fishery Plan
January 27, 2022
Facing a striped bass population decline, an Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) panel today voted to begin public comment on the next update to the striped bass fishery management plan, known as Amendment 7, next month.
CBF Commends EPA Regional Administrator for Strong Stance in Support of Chesapeake Bay Cleanup Requirements
January 26, 2022
EPA Region 3 Administrator Adam Ortiz reaffirmed the agency’s commitment to meeting the 2025 goals of the Chesapeake Bay Clean Water Blueprint at Tuesday night’s Maryland Environmental Legislative Summit.
CBF Statement in Response to Maryland’s Plan to Sue Baltimore over Wastewater Plant Pollution Violations
January 21, 2022
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) is issuing the following statement in response to the move by Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh to file legal action today against two Baltimore area wastewater treatment plants.
CBF Recommends Passage of Baltimore City Climate Bills
January 14, 2022
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation is supporting a package of three bills being debated by the Baltimore City Council that would help reduce some of the harmful effects of climate change.
CBF Commends Election of Maryland Senator Sarah Elfreth as Chesapeake Bay Commission Chair
January 12, 2022
Maryland State Senator Sarah Elfreth was elected the new chair of the Chesapeake Bay Commission earlier this month. In this role, Sen. Elfreth will oversee the commission’s work to coordinate legislative and policy action throughout the largest Bay watershed states—Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Virginia.
Chesapeake Bay Trust Issues Chesapeake Oyster Innovation Awards
December 21, 2021
The Chesapeake Bay Trust, in partnership with the Chesapeake Oyster Alliance, is pleased to announce the approval of 13 grants in Maryland and Virginia for the Chesapeake Oyster Innovation Awards, a program supported by CBF.
MDE Permit for Valley Proteins Critically Deficient
December 16, 2021
CBF, ShoreRivers, and Dorchester Citizens For Planned Growth have filed comments on the proposed Maryland Department of the Environment wastewater discharge permit for Valley Proteins, finding it critically deficient.
CBF Issues Statement on Executive Council Meeting
December 15, 2021
The Chesapeake Executive Council met today in Richmond, Virginia, and selected EPA Administrator Michael Regan to be the next Council Chair. Following the meeting, CBF President William C. Baker issued this statement.
BWB and CBF Take Action Against Short-Sighted Stormwater Permits
December 6, 2021
Blue Water Baltimore, partnering with CBF, today filed a petition for judicial review of to the municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) permits recently issued for Baltimore City and County.
CBF Raises Concerns over New MDE Permits
November 5, 2021
CBF raised serious concerns about municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) permits that the Maryland Department of the Environment issued today for Baltimore City and Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Prince George’s, and Montgomery Counties.
New Report Raises Questions about Maryland Department of the Environment’s Draft Wastewater Permit for Massive Eastern Shore Development
October 27, 2021
An engineering report being released today found several issues with Maryland Department of the Environment’s issuance of a draft wastewater permit that would enable the proposed Lakeside at Trappe development to spray wastewater onto fields near Miles Creek and the Choptank River.
Partners Introduce Oyster Spat to New Solar-Powered Aquaculture System in Baltimore
October 21, 2021
Staff from CBF and Solar Oysters loaded about 300,000 spat-on-shell oysters onto a new automated aquaculture platform in the Baltimore Harbor. The platform uses solar power to rotate large oyster cages filled with young oysters to clean the bivalves and help them grow over time.
Juvenile Striped Bass Numbers in Chesapeake Bay Remain below Average in Maryland
October 15, 2021
The Virginia Institute of Marine Science and the Maryland Department of Natural Resources today released the results of annual surveys of the juvenile striped bass population in the Chesapeake Bay. For the third consecutive year, the Maryland numbers are below average, while the Virginia numbers are about average.
Volunteers Needed for Tree Plantings in Maryland This Month
October 13, 2021
CBF is hosting three tree plantings in October to help bolster shorelines and reduce Bay pollution. Volunteers are invited to planting events across Maryland to bolster shorelines along streams.
Prizes Announced for Rod and Reef Slam Fishing Tournament That Starts Oct. 9
October 5, 2021
Anglers who catch the most different species of fish in the unique Rod and Reef Slam Fishing Tournament can win a grand prize worth up to $1,400 in Under Armour fishing apparel and All Tackle gift certificates while division winners receive other exciting prizes.
Chesapeake Executive Council Falls Short: CBF Issues Statement
October 1, 2021
The Council’s job is to lead Bay restoration efforts, establish the policy direction for the restoration and protection of the Bay and its living resources, and be accountable to the public for progress made under the Bay agreements. By those measures, the Executive Council has fallen short.
August Dead Zone Is Bad News for the Bay
September 17, 2021
CBF raised concerns about Bay restoration efforts following the August dead zone report. The report, from the Maryland Department of Natural Resources and Old Dominion University, found that dissolved oxygen conditions in Maryland and Virginia were worse than average this August following two better-than-average months.
Maryland Environmental Groups Respond to Newly Released Draft Wastewater Permit for Valley Proteins’ Eastern Shore Rendering Plant
September 16, 2021
Yesterday, Maryland Department of the Environment issued a new draft wastewater permit for the Valley Proteins chicken rendering facility, which is the largest point source polluter in the Transquaking River watershed on Maryland’s Eastern Shore.
CBF Issues Statement on EPA Proposal to Add Bear Creek Sediments Site to Superfund List
September 8, 2021
Today, the federal Environmental Protection Agency proposed adding at least 60 acres of Bear Creek in Baltimore County to the Superfund National Priorities List (NPL). The NPL lists hazardous waste sites eligible for cleanup financed by the federal Superfund program.
Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s Outdoor Education Program Restarts This Fall after Pandemic Shutdown
September 1, 2021
CBF educators are excited to welcome teachers and students back to outdoor education programs this fall. The outdoor class program was suspended in March 2020 when the pandemic began.
Rod and Reef Slam Fishing Tournament Returns This October in Maryland
September 1, 2021
The Rod and Reef Slam Fishing Tournament returns for its fourth year in Maryland waters this fall from Oct. 9 to Oct. 17. The contest is designed to highlight the diversity of fish that surround oyster reefs. To do that, anglers will fish in areas where oyster reefs have been restored in Maryland.
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