CBF Urges Baltimore Department of Public Works to Fix Major Issues at Maryland’s Two Largest Wastewater Treatment Plants
August 31, 2021
CBF is urging Baltimore’s Department of Public Works to take swift action to address the litany of pollution problems revealed at the Back River and Patapsco wastewater treatment plants. The issues have the potential to significantly harm the success of Maryland’s ongoing Bay cleanup work, which depends on significant pollutant reductions from wastewater treatment plants.
CBF Bands in the Sand Event Postponed until June 2022
August 10, 2021
CBF's Bands in the Sand event, originally scheduled for August 28, 2021, has been postponed to June 11, 2022.
Partnership Adds 78 Oyster Reef Balls off Coast of Chesapeake Beach, Maryland
July 29, 2021
CBF staff and project partners added 78 reef balls to the Maryland Artificial Reef Initiative site located in the Herring Bay oyster sanctuary. The oyster reef balls were placed about two miles offshore in a sanctuary protected from oyster harvesting.
Report: Freshwater Mussels Unsung Heroes at Risk in Chesapeake Bay Watershed
July 29, 2021
Freshwater mussels play an amazing yet little-known role in healthy rivers and streams in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Maryland recently began several pilot restoration projects to monitor and augment mussel populations in the Bay watershed.
CBF Issues a Statement on the June Dead Zone Assessment
July 16, 2021
Data from the Maryland Department of Natural Resources and Old Dominion University found that the dead zone in the Chesapeake Bay was smaller than average in June.
CBF Issues Statement on 2021 Dead Zone Forecast
June 23, 2021
The Chesapeake Bay’s dead zone is predicted to be smaller than average this summer. The forecast is largely based on the amount of rainfall from January to May.
CBF Issues Statement on UMCES Report Card
June 22, 2021
The University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science has released its Chesapeake Bay and Watershed Report Card for 2020 and its overall score remained unchanged from last year at a B-.
Chesapeake Bay Foundation Issues Recommendations for Maryland Oyster Regulations
June 22, 2021
In comments filed with Maryland's Department of Natural Resources, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation is asking the state to take stronger action to end oyster overfishing and develop a rebuilding plan for areas of the Bay where the oyster population has declined to the lowest levels on record.
CBF Statement on 2021 Maryland Oyster Stock Assessment Update
June 9, 2021
The Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) presented preliminary information Tuesday evening from the 2021 oyster stock assessment update indicating the market-size oyster population in Maryland rose slightly, while spat estimates increased to the highest level in the previous 20 years.
Blue Crab Survey Results Show ‘Mixed Bag’
May 21, 2021
The Virginia Marine Resources Commission and Maryland Department of Natural Resources released the results of the 2021 Blue Crab Winter Dredge Survey, an annual estimate of the population of blue crabs in the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries.
CBF Commends Officials on Formal Kickoff for Baltimore Headworks Project
May 10, 2021
Today, Baltimore and Maryland officials held a formal ribbon-cutting to celebrate the completion of the Headworks Project, a $429 million upgrade to the city’s Back River Wastewater Treatment Plant that’s designed to prevent sewer overflows.
CBF Statement on EPA’s Evaluation of the Conowingo Watershed Implementation Plan
May 6, 2021
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s Director of Science and Agricultural Policy, Beth McGee, issued this statement following the release of EPA’s comments on how the additional pollution to the Chesapeake Bay from the lost trapping capacity at Conowingo Dam should be addressed.
CBF Statement on Climate Solutions Now Act and the End of Maryland’s 2021 General Assembly Session
April 13, 2021
The Maryland Senate and House of Delegates were unable to reach an agreement over the two different versions of the Climate Solutions Now Act that each chamber had passed earlier this session. However, some of the legislation’s components were added to other bills that were approved.
Maryland Environmental Groups File Notice of Potential Lawsuit Against Valley Proteins for Pollution Violations
April 13, 2021
Maryland environmental groups sent a notice of intent to bring a lawsuit against Valley Proteins for violating its wastewater permit. The goal of this action is to bring Valley Proteins into compliance and protect water quality, the environment, and public health.
CBF Statement on the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's Decision to Relicense Conowingo Dam
March 18, 2021
Today, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) approved the relicensing of the Conowingo Hydroelectric Project, effectively ratifying Maryland’s settlement offer with Exelon to enable the utility to continue operating Conowingo Dam. The settlement fails to adequately address water pollution issues associated with the dam’s operations.
Teachers Know the Value of Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s Environmental Education
March 18, 2021
For students, the pandemic has only grown their desire to be outside and protect the environment. Maryland teachers speak to the importance of CBF's environmental education program.
CBF Encouraged by Maryland Senate's Approval
of Climate Solutions Now ActMarch 12, 2021
Today the Maryland Senate passed a bill requiring the state to reduce 60 percent of its greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and puts in place concrete actions to guide the state to this goal.
CBF: New Maryland Court Ruling Should Prompt Action to Reduce Poultry-Related Air Pollution
March 12, 2021
On Thursday, Montgomery County Circuit Court Judge Sharon Burrell ruled that the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) must regulate ammonia air emissions from large chicken farms.
CBF Urges Maryland Legislators to Restore Funding for Outdoor Education
February 22, 2021
CBF is asking Maryland legislators to restore funding for outdoor education programs that Gov. Larry Hogan zeroed out for the second straight year.
CBF Adds 14 Million Oysters to Chesapeake Bay in Maryland in 2020
February 11, 2021
CBF continued its long-term push to restore oyster reefs in the Chesapeake Bay by adding more than 14 million oysters in Maryland waters during 2020’s pandemic-affected season.
Students to Maryland Legislators: We Need Climate Solutions Now!
February 3, 2021
CBF Student Leaders from across the state spoke up about the need for strong climate legislation.
CBF Files Lawsuit Contesting Wastewater Permit for Major Proposed Eastern Shore Development
February 1, 2021
Today CBF filed a lawsuit against the Maryland Department of the Environment contesting the legality of the wastewater discharge permit it issued for Trappe at Lakeside, a major development proposed on Maryland’s Eastern Shore.
CBF Urges Legislators to Approve Climate Solutions Now Act
January 27, 2021
CBF is urging Maryland legislators to support a bill that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and enable the state to plant millions of trees.
CBF Statement on the Passing of Longtime Maryland Senate President Mike Miller
January 15, 2021
"The ongoing restoration of the Chesapeake Bay wouldn’t have been possible without a leader like Sen. Miller. He loved history, and he loved the Bay.”
It's Time for Maryland Leaders to Double Down on Support for Restoring the Chesapeake Bay
January 13, 2021
Maryland is at a crossroads in its efforts to meet pollution reduction goals in time for the 2025 bay cleanup deadline.
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