CBF Statement on Lynnhaven River Oyster Restoration Issues
July 15, 2022
On July 13, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) received a Notice to Comply from the Virginia Marine Resources Commission (VMRC) relating to oyster reef restoration in the Lynnhaven River. The notice revokes permits VMRC approved for CBF and Lynnhaven River NOW (LRN) to construct oyster reefs in the Lynnhaven River. It also requires removal of all oyster reef materials covered by those permits.
Statement by CBF President Hilary Falk on the Retirement of Chesapeake Bay Commission Executive Director Ann Swanson
July 14, 2022
Today the Chesapeake Bay Commission announced the retirement of Executive Director Ann Pesiri Swanson, after 34 years of leading the tri-state legislative body that advises the general assemblies of Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Virginia on matters concerning the Chesapeake Bay.
CBF President Hilary Falk Issues a Statement on New Pa. Budget That Will Reduce Pollution
July 13, 2022
Today, Chesapeake Bay Foundation President Hilary Falk, joined EPA Region III director Adam Ortiz, Kyle Kotzmoyer with the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau, as well as elected officials from the Commonwealth to discuss advances made in the Pennsylvania budget.
CBF Cheers Legislature’s Historic Investments To Reduce Pollution in Pennsylvania’s Rivers and Streams
July 8, 2022
CBF is applauding a Pennsylvania General Fund Budget agreed to by the state legislature and signed by Governor Tom Wolf that includes an historic investment of millions of dollars to reduce pollution in Commonwealth rivers and streams.
Major Increase in Nitrogen Pollution Emphasizes Need to Quickly Fix Baltimore Wastewater Treatment Plants
July 6, 2022
Nitrogen pollution from wastewater plants in Maryland increased by 2.5 million pounds—nearly 50 percent—in 2021 compared to 2020 in large part due to failures at the state’s two largest wastewater treatment plants, according to the Chesapeake Bay Program.
Virginia Beach Continues Plastic Bag Fee Consideration
July 6, 2022
Committing to take a closer look at litter issues, last night the Virginia Beach City Council deferred voting on the implementation of a 5-cent fee for each plastic bag used by retailers in the city.
EPA Approval of Pequea Creek Watershed Restoration Plan Advances Efforts to Improve Lancaster County Waters
June 30, 2022
Recent EPA approval of a new restoration plan for the Pequea Creek Watershed clears the way for federal funding to put practices on the ground to reduce pollution from agriculture and urban development in Lancaster and Chester counties.
CBF Statement on Supreme Court Decision in West Virginia v. EPA
June 30, 2022
Today, the United States Supreme Court released its decision in West Virginia v. EPA. While this decision narrows the federal government’s authority under the Clean Air Act, it leaves room for EPA to act on its duty to tackle carbon emissions from power plants.
CBF Cheers Robust Fiscal 2023 Funding for Bay Program and Habitat Restoration Grants
June 29, 2022
The House Appropriations Committee approved today fiscal year 2023 appropriations legislation that would provide robust funding for EPA’s Chesapeake Bay Program and a new grant program to restore fish and wildlife habitat across the Bay watershed.
CBF Issues Statement On Chesapeake Bay Dead Zone Forecast
June 28, 2022
This summer the Chesapeake Bay’s dead zone is predicted to be smaller than average. Researchers attribute the decline to the below average amount of water entering the Bay from the watershed’s tributaries this past spring, as well as decreased nitrogen and phosphorus pollution from jurisdictions within the watershed.
CBF Encouraged by Virginia and Maryland’s Changes to Protect Declining Chesapeake Blue Crab Population
June 28, 2022
In response to the lowest abundance of crabs ever counted in the 33-year history of the Chesapeake Bay’s winter blue crab dredge survey, fishery managers at the Maryland Department of Natural Resources and Virginia Marine Resources Commission this week adopted new regulations designed to reduce the crab harvest.
CBF Applauds Fiscal 2023 Funding for Marine Species Restoration and Environmental Education
June 28, 2022
CBF thanked the House Appropriations Committee for approving two fiscal year 2023 spending bills that contain encouraging funding levels for restoring marine species vital to the Bay region’s economy and educating young people about the Bay and its tributaries.
Virginia Governor Signs Budget with Historic Clean Water Investments
June 22, 2022
Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin yesterday signed a two-year state budget that provides historic levels of investment in in farm conservation practices and other programs to restore the Chesapeake Bay and its rivers and streams.
CBF Issues Statement on Bay Program Pollution Data
June 22, 2022
Today, the Chesapeake Bay Program released its modeled estimate of pollution reduced over the last year. As part of the Chesapeake Clean Water Blueprint, Bay jurisdictions committed to implementing the practices and programs by 2025 that will lead to restored water quality in local rivers, streams, and the Chesapeake Bay.
CBF Issues Statement on Back River Sewage Treatment Plant Report
June 10, 2022
As a result of significant problems at Baltimore City’s Back River sewage treatment plant, MDE ordered the Maryland Environmental Service to take over management of the plant and issue a report concerning what they found. The report found major infrastructure failures as well as problems with safety, management, and staffing.
Cumberland County’s Cover Crop Program Is a Model for Others Working to Improve Soil Health and Stem Polluted Farm Runoff
June 6, 2022
Cumberland County’s cover crop incentive program has become a model for other Pennsylvania counties and farmers looking to improve soil health and reduce polluted agricultural runoff.
CBF Statement in Response to 2021 UMCES Chesapeake Bay Report Card
June 6, 2022
Today, the University of Maryland’s Center for Environmental Science released its 2021 Chesapeake Bay Report Card, which showed modest overall improvement in Bay health while highlighting ongoing struggles to improve water quality in portions of the upper Bay.
Thousands Pick Up Litter across Virginia on Clean the Bay Day
June 4, 2022
Thousands of volunteers across Virginia have picked up 65,500 pounds of litter as of today as part of Clean the Bay Day, the state's largest and longest-running litter and shoreline cleanup. The annual event, which began in 1989, returned in full force this year after a two-year hiatus from its traditional format due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
CBF Applauds Appointment of Kandis Boyd to Lead Bay Program
June 2, 2022
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) welcomed today’s announcement that Dr. Kandis Boyd has been tapped to lead EPA’s Chesapeake Bay Program.
Virginia Legislators Approve Extraordinary Clean Water Investments
June 1, 2022
Virginia legislators in the General Assembly today approved a budget to fund the state government over the next two years that provides historic levels of investment in programs to restore the Chesapeake Bay and its rivers and streams.
CBF and Allies Urge White House to Add Race to Environmental Justice Tool
May 25, 2022
CBF and 15 other environmental, water quality, and faith organizations today urged the White House to use race and a more inclusive definition of “disadvantaged” in the tool it will use to determine whether a community qualifies for additional federal resources to address the environmental injustices it faces.
Blue Crab Survey Results Show Downturn
May 19, 2022
Today the Virginia Marine Resources Commission and Maryland Department of Natural Resources released the results of the 2022 Blue Crab Winter Dredge Survey, an annual estimate of the population of blue crabs in the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries. CBF Senior Regional Ecosystem Scientist Chris Moore issued this statement.
Living Memorial to Victims of Violence and Pandemic to Take Root in the City of Harrisburg
May 18, 2022
Trees to benefit the landscape and remember those lost to the pandemic, violence, and other causes will take root as a living memorial in the City of Harrisburg on Memorial Day weekend.
CBF Opposes New Golf Course Proposal at Greenbury Point in Annapolis
May 17, 2022
CBF is opposing a proposal to add a second golf course to the Navy’s 230-acre Greenbury Point peninsula in Annapolis due to environmental concerns.
CBF Urges Fast Action on Tough Heavy Truck Emissions Limits
May 16, 2022
CBF today filed comments urging EPA to quickly finalize significantly stronger standards than what the agency is considering to cut nitrogen pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from heavy-duty trucks and buses.
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