Innovative Virginia Beach Effort Exceeds Expectations to Transform Students into Environmental Leaders
May 12, 2022
As the Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s (CBF) one-of-a-kind Macon and Joan Brock Classroom marks its first graduating class of high school students in the Virginia Beach City Public Schools (VBCPS) Environmental Studies Program, the effort is exceeding expectations to create new environmental leaders.
CBF Statement on Leadership Changes at Maryland Department of the Environment
May 9, 2022
Today, Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan announced longtime Maryland Department of the Environment Secretary Ben Grumbles is leaving the state cabinet position to become executive director of the Environmental Council of the States.
Bay Restoration Leaders Welcome New USDA Funds for Conservation
May 6, 2022
Chesapeake Bay cleanup advocates welcomed today’s announcement by USDA Under Secretary Robert Bonnie that USDA plans to direct an additional $22.5 million this year to helping farmers in the watershed adopt conservation practices that improve water quality in the Bay and its tributaries.
Clean the Bay Day, Virginia’s Largest Litter Cleanup, Returns
May 6, 2022
Clean the Bay Day, Virginia’s largest and longest-running yearly litter cleanup, returns in full force this June 4 after a two-year hiatus from the event’s traditional format.
Fisheries Panel Updates Plan to Rebuild Striped Bass Population
May 5, 2022
In an effort to reverse the decline of the striped bass population, the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission Atlantic Striped Bass Management Board yesterday voted to adopt numerous changes to the striped bass fishery management plan, known as Amendment 7.
Free South Richmond Course to Build Leaders and Advocates
May 5, 2022
Residents of Richmond’s Southside have a first-ever opportunity to take a free environmental leadership course for adults this spring, with sessions ranging from a boat trip on the James River to a discussion led by Virginia State Senator Jennifer McClellan.
CBF and Stone Independent School Will Plant over 2,000 Trees in Lancaster, York Counties Saturday
May 4, 2022
Saturday will be another day of big doings for planting trees in Lancaster and York counties, and for a private Lancaster school and the Keystone 10 Million Trees Partnership making it happen.
CBF Cheers EPA Move to Direct New Cleanup Funds to Local Projects
May 2, 2022
CBF President and CEO Hilary Harp Falk today praised EPA's plan to devote most of its new Bay funds to projects that will help restore the Bay, its tributaries, and wildlife habitat across the watershed while benefitting communities where the projects are located.
Burgers and Brews for the Bay Returns to Clagett Farm May 14
April 21, 2022
Burgers and Brews for the Bay, a food and drink event that highlights the importance of regenerative agriculture and local food production, will return to CBF's Clagett Farm in Prince George’s County on May 14 from noon to 4 p.m.
Volunteers Needed for Major Earth Day Tree Planting in Frederick County
April 19, 2022
Get your hands dirty, help improve water quality, and leave a lasting mark on the landscape this Earth Day by helping Chesapeake Bay Foundation staff plant hundreds of trees on April 22 or April 23.
CBF Supports Initial Revisions to Rollback of Environmental Review Rules
April 19, 2022
CBF supports the White House’s first round of revisions to the rules for reviewing the environmental impacts of federal actions or projects, which were finalized today.
EPA Finds That Pennsylvania’s Latest Plan to Achieve Clean Water Commitments Remains Insufficient
April 18, 2022
EPA Region III Administrator Adam Ortiz today announced actions EPA is taking to hold the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania accountable for an insufficient plan to put programs and practices in place to achieve the pollution-reduction goals of the Chesapeake Clean Water Blueprint by 2025.
Chesapeake Bay Foundation: Climate Solutions Now Act Will Benefit Bay Restoration
April 8, 2022
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation is pleased the Climate Solutions Now Act has been enacted following Gov. Larry Hogan’s decision to allow it to become law without his signature.
CBF Endorses Sarbanes Outdoor Education Bill
April 7, 2022
CBF endorsed legislation introduced by Rep. John Sarbanes (D-Md.) today to expand and strengthen hands-on, outdoor learning opportunities for elementary and secondary school students around the country.
CBF Statement on Virginia’s Stormwater Policy for Solar Panel Projects
April 1, 2022
This week, the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality issued a memorandum clarifying its interpretation of how solar panels should be treated when making important stormwater management calculations for new solar energy projects that are subject to key requirements in Virginia’s Stormwater Management Program.
Fones Cliffs Land Returned to Rappahannock Tribe
April 1, 2022
Today the Rappahannock Tribe celebrated the return to the tribe of 465 acres of land along Fones Cliffs on the Rappahannock River. This area has deep cultural and historic significance to the Tribe.
CBF Encouraged by General Assembly’s Approval of Legislation to Strengthen Water Pollution Enforcement
March 31, 2022
The Maryland General Assembly today approved legislation strongly supported by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation to increase inspection and enforcement activities related to facilities permitted to discharge pollution into the state’s waterways.
Mountain Valley Pipeline Withdraws Appeal of Environmental Justice Decision
March 29, 2022
Mountain Valley Pipeline today withdrew its appeal of an agency decision rejecting a key permit for the proposed Lambert Compressor Station, a component of the company’s Southgate expansion project.
CBF Welcomes Increase for Bay Program in Biden’s Fiscal 2023 Budget
March 29, 2022
CBF welcomes the funding increases in President Biden’s fiscal year 2023 budget for two programs essential to restoring the Bay and its tributaries, EPA’s Chesapeake Bay Program and technical assistance for farmers enrolled in U.S. Department of Agriculture conservation programs.
CBF Applauds Maryland House of Delegates’ Approval of Climate Solutions Now Act
March 29, 2022
Today, the Maryland House of Delegates approved the Climate Solutions Now Act of 2022 by a vote of 95 to 42. The House vote follows the state Senate’s approval of the legislation on March 14.
CBF Statement on Maryland Taking Over Back River Wastewater Plant
March 28, 2022
As a result of continued and unresolved problems at the Back River Wastewater Treatment Plant in Baltimore, MDE has directed the Maryland Environmental Service to take charge of operations at the plant. The directive was issued after Baltimore City failed to comply with a previous 48-hour order to end illegal discharges from the plant.
Ongoing Issues at Baltimore’s Back River Wastewater Treatment Plant Must Be Resolved
March 24, 2022
Today, the Maryland Department of Environment released an updated inspection report from Back River Wastewater Treatment Plant revealing significant and ongoing maintenance and operational failures that are resulting in excessive amounts of pollution reaching the Chesapeake Bay.
Farm-Fresh Produce Shares Available for Purchase Through CBF’s Clagett Farm CSA
March 22, 2022
Residents in the Annapolis and Upper Marlboro areas of Maryland can purchase shares to receive a variety of farm-fresh produce each week through the Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s popular Clagett Farm Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program.
Local Photographers Invited to Participate in Save the Bay Photo Contest
March 22, 2022
CBF's annual Save the Bay Photo Contest is underway. Photo submissions are being accepted now, through April 1. Photographers of all skill levels are encouraged to participate to win cash prizes of from $100 to $500, and to have their photos featured in CBF’s award-winning publications.
Bear Creek Superfund Designation Marks Turning Point for Removal of Legacy Pollution in Baltimore
March 18, 2022
The EPA has announced it would formally add Bear Creek to the Superfund National Priorities List, which will spur a federal cleanup effort in the polluted waterway near Baltimore.
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