Save the Bay News: 2020 State of the Bay and Legislative Sessions
January 22, 2021
Our monthly roundup of engaging and educational content for you to enjoy at home. Start with our 2020 State of the Bay report, a comprehensive scientific assessment of where the Chesapeake's health stands now.
CBF Applauds Biden Administration's Promising Start
January 20, 2021
CBF is thrilled the Biden administration has hit the ground running to reverse its predecessors’ dismal record of sidelining science, ignoring public health, and issuing flawed rules that undermine the intent of our nation’s bedrock environmental laws and the Chesapeake Clean Water Blueprint.
Eight Ways the New Administration Can Save the Bay
December 30, 2020
There are only four years left to meet the goals of the Chesapeake Clean Water Blueprint. To help us get there, the Biden administration will have to hit the ground running.
Living Room Lobbyist
December 7, 2020
CBF Clean Water Captain Mike Taylor took advantage of technology to share testimony with EPA from his home in Virginia Beach.
CBF Issues Statement on Motion to Dismiss EPA Lawsuits
November 22, 2020
The Justice Department, representing EPA, has filed motions to dismiss separate lawsuits filed by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation and its partners.
Raiding Dedicated Conservation Funds to Plug the State’s Budget Gap Would Further Damage Pennsylvania’s Environment
November 18, 2020
As Pennsylvania legislators begin looking under the Commonwealth’s cushions for enough spare change to plug a state budget gap that could be higher than $4 billion, they should keep hands off of funds already dedicated to conservation and environmental programs.
Enactment of Historic Legislation is Major Victory for Chesapeake Bay
October 30, 2020
Today, the America’s Conservation Enhancement (ACE) Act was signed into law. Passing both chambers of Congress unanimously, this broad conservation bill contains programs that will significantly help protect and restore the Chesapeake Bay and its rivers and streams.
CBF Suing EPA Will Benefit Pennsylvanians
October 20, 2020
In this season and all going forward, we should remind those elected to serve us and who may have forgotten, that clean water counts in Pennsylvania.
CBF Cheers House Passage of Conservation Bill Reauthorizing Bay Programs, Urges President to Sign Soon
October 1, 2020
Today, the U.S. House of Representatives approved the America’s Conservation Enhancement (ACE) Act by a vote of
CBF to Sue EPA over Failure to Hold Pennsylvania and New York Accountable for Not Meeting Clean Water Act Obligations
September 10, 2020
Today, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation and its partners will file a complaint suing the federal Environmental Protection Agency for abdicating its responsibilities under the Clean Water Act
We’re Taking EPA to Court
September 10, 2020
We’re suing the Environmental Protection Agency for its failure to enforce the Clean Water Act. Here’s what you need to know.
Time for Pennsylvania to Live up to Promises Made
August 31, 2020
Since more than half of the freshwater that pours into the bay comes from the Susquehanna River, saving the Bay is only possible if we first save the local Pennsylvania rivers and streams that feed into it.
CBF Issues Statement on Chesapeake Bay Executive Council Meeting
August 18, 2020
Today, the Chesapeake Executive Council held its annual meeting to discuss the course of Bay restoration.
CBF Assesses the State of the Blueprint: Restoration Efforts in Jeopardy
August 13, 2020
A new report examining the state of the Chesapeake Clean Water Blueprint found promising signs of progress, but serious red flags remain that threaten to derail the restoration effort.
Underwater Grasses: How Are They Doing?
August 6, 2020
Underwater grasses are a critical habitat in the Bay and its tidal rivers. But how are they doing?
Oysters: How Are They Doing?
August 5, 2020
Oysters are one of the watershed's favorite bivalves. But how are they doing?
Pennsylvania Streams: How Are They Doing?
August 4, 2020
When you think about the Bay watershed, you may not immediately think of Pennsylvania—but the state’s waters are integral to the health of the Bay.
States File Suit Challenging Clean Water Permitting Rollback
July 21, 2020
Today the attorneys general of Virginia, Maryland, the District of Columbia, and New York joined other states in filing a suit challenging the weakened water quality permitting rule recently finalized by the Trump Administration.
CBF Calls for Greater Investments to Reduce Pollution as Number of Impaired Waters Increases
July 13, 2020
An increase int the number of miles of impaired waters listed in the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection's latest report sends a clear message that not enough is being done to clean and protect Commonwealth rivers and streams.
CBF Applauds Increased 2021 Funding for Chesapeake Bay Program in House Appropriations Subcommittee Bill
July 9, 2020
The bill calls for the EPA-administered Program to be funded at $90.5 million in the coming fiscal year, once again refusing the Trump administration’s attempt to impose a draconian cut on the Program.
Putting EPA on Notice
May 19, 2020
We’ve filed a Notice of Intent to sue the Environmental Protection Agency for its failure to enforce the Clean Water Act. Here’s what you need to know.
CBF Issues Notice of Intent to Sue EPA over Failure to Hold Pennsylvania and New York Accountable
May 18, 2020
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation and its partners filed a notice of intent to sue the federal Environmental Protection Agency for its failure to require Pennsylvania and New York to develop implementation plans that will achieve the 2025 Bay restoration goals.
Bringing the Bay Home: Spring Peepers, Raindrops, and Earth Day
April 24, 2020
Our weekly roundup of engaging, educational, and inspirational Bay content to enjoy at home during the age of corona
Virginia Completing Remarkable Legislative Session for Clean Water
March 9, 2020
The Virginia Senate and House of Delegates are expected to vote Thursday on a budget for the next two years that includes investment in programs that benefit Virginia’s rivers, streams, and the Chesapeake Bay.
CBF Calls on EPA to Honor Its Commitments and Enforce the Clean Water Act
January 29, 2020
By taking no action to hold Pennsylvania accountable, EPA has failed to adhere to the commitment to use its existing statutory authorities, abdicating its responsibilities under the Clean Water Act.
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