This Week in the Watershed: Another Chain of Events
August 31, 2018
As we wrote last year at this time, there is no shortage of opportunities to join us in the field, on the water, or in the classroom this fall.
Now Is Not the Time to Limit Oyster Aquaculture
August 29, 2018
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation opposes the proposal being discussed by St. Mary's County commissioners to institute an 18-month moratorium preventing oyster aquaculture farmers from using docks in the county.
Trump Plan Endangers Chesapeake Bay Blue Crabs
August 28, 2018
It's difficult growing up a crab. Cold winters, predators, dead zones, vanishing habitat — these are just some of the threats a young crustacean faces. And now, a plan by the Trump administration to open the Atlantic seaboard to oil and gas exploration and drilling could upset the already precarious life cycle of the Chesapeake Bay blue crab.
Photo of the Week: Greetings, Not Nitrogen from Dixie Virginia
August 27, 2018
Tree buffer planting along farms abutting watershed rivers help absorb nitrogen runoff.
This Month on the Bay: Late Summer Glory in Tidal Fresh Marshes
August 24, 2018
Tidal Fresh sounds like an oxymoron. If a waterway is tidal, its bottom must be below sea level and open to the ocean, so it should be salty. Right? Nope.
The Chesapeake Clean Water Blueprint is Working
August 23, 2018
This is a critical time for bay restoration. At the halfway point between 2010 and 2025 the question is: Are we on track?
CBF Brings Bedford Farmers to the Bay
August 22, 2018
Last July, 10 farmers from the base of Virginia's Blue Ridge mountains in Bedford County spent an eye-opening weekend on islands in the middle of the Chesapeake Bay during CBF's latest Farmers to the Bay excursion.
Stop Pipelines' Devastation of Virginia Waterways
August 21, 2018
Recent months have deluged Virginians with storms and heavy rainfall, causing flooded roads, washed-out embankments, and mudslides. In the case of Mountain Valley Pipeline construction, these summer storms triggered extensive damage to Virginia's rivers and streams.
Photo of the Week: Brewer's Point
August 20, 2018
Just one of the many nature viewing opportunities in Belle Isle State Park, Lancaster County, Virginia.
This Week in the Watershed: Wavering Waters
August 17, 2018
For more than 40 years, CBF Senior Naturalist John Page Williams has explored the many waterways in the Chesapeake Bay, particularly his home Severn River. And despite all that time on the water, he often says, "Every time I go out on my river, I learn something new."
A Great Honor and an Exciting Challenge
August 15, 2018
Hi, I'm Lisa Feldt, the new vice president of the Environmental Protection and Restoration department at the Chesapeake Bay Foundation. I'd like to share a little of my story.
Sharks in the Bay?!
August 14, 2018
A shark catch in southern Maryland waters has launched a flurry of questions across the region. CBF's Doug Myers tells us what we need to know.
Three Things Chesapeake Restoration Leaders Need to Do
August 6, 2018
There is no doubt that the Bay was an ugly sight last week. It was a stark reminder of the damage that is caused by heavy rains.
Photo of the Week: Chestertown Docks
August 6, 2018
Morning sunrise over the Chestertown Marina docks on the Chester River in Maryland.
This Week in the Watershed: A Torrent of Trash
August 3, 2018
The health of our local waterways and the Bay is often hidden below the surface. But other times, water quality is in plain sight.
Frequent Dolphin Sightings Reveal a Rebounding Bay
August 1, 2018
Bottlenose dolphin sightings are delighting both citizens and scientists alike, as unprecedented scores of these marine mammals have been spotted in the Bay's waters this spring and summer.
Save the Bay Blog August 2018
Recent Posts
- Save the Bay News: Fighting for the Bay We Love
- We Are Built for These Moments
- Knocking on Virginia Lawmakers’ Doors
- The Karen Noonan Center, 30 Years Strong
- Endangered Species Listing for Hellbender Is Long Overdue
- Let's Turn Promises into Progress for the Chesapeake Bay
- Delaware Wins with Chesapeake Bay Restoration
- Five Ways We’re Advocating for the Bay in 2025
- Save the Bay Newsletter: The Year’s Best
- Restoration Grants do Double for Delaware Town and Bay
- Black History and the Bay
- Community
- Farmer Success Stories
- Fishing
- Fox Island Farewell
- Fun
- Guardians of the Headwaters
- History for All
- Honoring Will Baker
- Learn Outside
- Locally Grown
- Nature Journaling
- Politics
- Save the Bay News
- Saving the Striper
- Slowing the Flow
- State of the Bay
- Student Leadership
- Voices for Clean Water
- Volunteers
- Water Quality
- Watershed Watchdogs
- Women's History and the Bay
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