Virginia Beach Students OWN ITT!

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Superintendent Dr. Aaron Spence presents an award to Virginia Beach elementary school students for their story map in the Our Watershed Needs Identified for Today and Tomorrow (OWN-ITT) competition.

Wyatt Young

How are local students becoming more environmentally conscious? They are OWNing ITT! Virginia Beach City Public Schools (VBCPS) students recently participated in the Our Watershed Needs Identified for Today and Tomorrow (OWN-ITT) competition. The project required students analyze the impact of their school grounds on the Chesapeake Bay watershed using ArcGIS mapping software. 

The result of their efforts? Fantastic interactive online story maps about the steps their school grounds are taking towards sustainability and becoming environmentally conscious. From discussing the environment to suggesting new practices, VBCPS students are showing the world that they are going to become the next generation of environmental leaders!

Students from 17 Virginia Beach elementary, middle, and high schools participated in the program. Check out the story maps created by the first-place winners: Kellam HS, Princess Anne MS, and Bayside ES

"We hope this competition provided a deeper understanding amongst students, and staff, of the interconnectedness and interdependency of systems," said Tim Cole, VBCPS Sustainability Officer. 

The first, second, and third place schools were given cash prizes at the awards ceremony at CBF's Brock Environmental Center. Students also learned how to showcase their findings in a clear and accessible manner by posting their interactive projects online with ESRI.

(View in full-screen mode.)

Wyatt Young, CBF Hampton Roads Communications Intern

Issues in this Post

Education   Student Leadership   CBF in Virginia  


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