Their View: State Needs to Step Up Support of Those Working Hard to Clean Up Rivers and Streams
July 9, 2019
CBF's PA Executive Director was featured as a Guest Columnist in Time Leaders, discussing PA's role in the Chesapeake Clean Water Blueprint.
Become A Hopewell Tree Steward at Free Summer Course
July 1, 2019
(HOPEWELL, VA)—Volunteer tree stewards are needed to help plant and nurture the growing number of trees in Hopewell.
CBF Urges House Not to Pass Senate Bill That Would Redefine Pollution
June 27, 2019
(HARRISBURG, PA)—Harry Campbell, executive director for the Chesapeake Bay Foundation in Pennsylvania, issued this statement after the state Senate's narrow vote to approve Senate Bill 619, which would redefine the term "pollution" in the Clean Streams Law, and potentially allow for certain spills and discharges to go unreported and unregulated.
CBF Statement on James River Standards to Reduce Harmful Algal Blooms
June 27, 2019
(RICHMOND, VA)—Today the Virginia State Water Control Board approved key revisions to James River water quality standards for chlorophyll.
CBF Calls on EPA to Hold States Accountable to Chesapeake Clean Water Blueprint
June 21, 2019
(ANNAPOLIS, MD)—Today, the Environmental Protection Agency released its evaluation of Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Maryland’s draft "Phase 3 Watershed Implementation Plans."
CBF Opposes Rollback of EPA Clean Water Protections
June 7, 2019
(ANNAPOLIS, MD)—The Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) opposes a proposed new EPA interpretation of the legal framework for protecting surface waters like streams and the Chesapeake Bay from pollution travelling through groundwater.
Saving the Bay, Fighting Climate Change: Two Sides of the Same Coin
June 4, 2019
Record breaking storms in 2018 across the Bay watershed increased polluted runoff, but the damage was not as bad as it could have been thanks to the implementation of the Chesapeake Clean Water Blueprint
A Watershed Moment
May 31, 2019
The Bay's recovery is fragile. And we are at a pivotal time to save the Bay.
CBF Report: The State of the Blueprint
May 28, 2019
(ANNAPOLIS, MD)—A new Chesapeake Bay Foundation report examining the state of the Chesapeake Clean Water Blueprint found both good and bad news.
Lest We Forget: Some Thoughts about Endangered Species Day
May 17, 2019
Remembering critical Chesapeake Bay species in honor of Endangered Species Day.
What You Need to Know about Pennsylvania’s Clean Water Blueprint
May 10, 2019
Pennsylvania’s waters have been slowly improving, but the state is still falling far short of meeting its pollution reduction and local water quality goals.
5 Things to Know about Maryland’s Clean Water Blueprint
May 7, 2019
Maryland's Clean Water Blueprint must get Maryland to the reductions necessary to meet its commitment to the 2010 federal “Total Maximum Daily Load.”
Blue Crabs Are Back!
May 6, 2019
What do the latest crab survey numbers mean for the health of our beloved blue crabs and our Bay?
What You Need to Know about Virginia’s Clean Water Blueprint
April 30, 2019
Virginia’s Clean Water Blueprint (also known as the the Phase III Watershed Implementation Plan) is the single most important road map to restoring Virginia’s waterways
"That's All There Is"
April 22, 2019
Remembering Earth Day Founder Senator Gaylord Nelson 49 years later.
CBF Statement on Virginia Stream Fencing Proposals
April 17, 2019
(RICHMOND, VA)—CBF Virginia Executive Director Rebecca Tomazin issued the following statement on livestock stream fencing proposals in the draft update to Virginia’s Clean Water Blueprint
CBF Urges Full Implementation of Commonwealth’s Plan to Reduce Pollution in Rivers and Streams
April 12, 2019
(HARRISBURG, PA)—The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania today released its draft plan to ensure that programs and practices are in place to reduce pollution in the Keystone State's rivers and streams by 2025.
CBF Statement on Maryland’s Release of the Phase III Watershed Implementation Plan Draft
April 12, 2019
(ANNAPOLIS, MD)—Today, Maryland released its draft "Phase 3 Watershed Implementation Plan" for public review.
CBF Statement on Virginia’s Draft Clean Water Blueprint
April 5, 2019
(RICHMOND, VA)—Virginia Governor Ralph Northam today released a draft of the final update to Virginia’s Clean Water Blueprint, more technically known as the Chesapeake Bay TMDL Phase III Watershed Implementation Plan.
This Week in the Watershed: A Slap in the Face
March 15, 2019
Whether on cable news, your social media feed, or at the family dinner table, political bickering feels inescapable. But across the Chesapeake Bay watershed, individuals of all political persuasions can all agree on one topic–clean water.
What We Owe to Rachel Carson
March 14, 2019
In honor of Women’s History Month, we are looking back at some of the natural world’s greatest heroines. And perhaps there’s no one more deserving of that description than Rachel Carson. Back in 1962—before there was an Earth Day, or EPA, or even a Chesapeake Bay Foundation—Rachel Carson wrote Silent Spring. The book that started it all, Spring is credited for launching the modern environmental movement.
One Prolific Voice for Clean Water
March 12, 2019
CBF's Hampton Roads Grassroots Manager Tanner Council describes Hampton resident Claire Neubert as one of the most prolific volunteers CBF has ever worked with.
This Week in the Watershed: Exposing Our Values
February 15, 2019
There is perhaps no document more revealing than a budget.
The Love Lives of Chesapeake Critters
February 14, 2019
In honor of Valentine's Day, we took a look at some of the very weird mating habits of quintessential Chesapeake Bay critters!
Clean Water Voices in the Old Dominion
February 13, 2019
Good things happen when voices join together for the Bay.
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