CBF Education Videos

The Chesapeake Bay Foundation gives permission to academic institutions for these videos to be viewed for educational purposes.

  • Wooded Freshwater Wetlands

    Dive into the Freshwater Wetlands investigation and follow along with CBF educators Ronnie Anderson and Ben Carver to learn about the different type of freshwater wetlands in the Bay watershed, what lives in them, and how they are threatened.

  • The Watershed Journey of A Raindrop

    Watch the journey of Rio the Raindrop as it falls to the land near the Appalachian Mountains and travels through various streams and rivers on its way downhill to the Chesapeake Bay. Along the route, Rio, like other raindrops, is affected by pollution as well as natural filters that make the water cleaner.

  • Nutrient Scavenger Hunt

    In this video, join CBF Educators Maya, Ochae, and Nate as they scour their neighborhoods looking for sources of nutrient pollutants and the methods used to reduce them.

  • Freshwater Stream Health

    CBF Pennsylvania Educator Doug Walters explores a tributary stream and discusses how to evaluate its health.

  • Green Filter or Gray Funnel?

    What happens to the water as it falls to the ground? Imagine a rainstorm in a wooded area. Now imagine the same rainstorm on a road, or in a parking lot. Learn about the differences with CBF Captain and Educator Nate Hesse. Then try our investigation, When Rain Hits the Land.

  • Riparian Buffers and Clean Water

    Riparian buffers are an important tool to improve the health of the Chesapeake Bay ecosystem. Watch as CBF Field Educator Liz Yocom details how riparian buffers can improve stream health.

  • Oyster Filtering Power

    See for yourself how oysters make the water clearer. After watching it, use our Oyster Power Worksheet to figure out your family’s water usage and calculate how many oysters you’d need to filter that amount of water.

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Founded in 1967, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) is the largest independent conservation organization dedicated solely to saving the Bay.

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