CBF at the Federal Level

U.S. Capitol in Washington D.C.
Photo Credit: Getty Images
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation's Federal Affairs staff work with members of Congress, Administration officials, the D.C. Mayor and Council, and partners to ensure strong federal and local support for Chesapeake Bay watershed restoration. Since 1983, the federal government has been a critical partner in the landmark Chesapeake Bay Agreement.
Today, members of Congress and seven federal agencies, including the Environmental Protection Agency and the Departments of Interior, Commerce, and Agriculture, play key roles in ensuring that the Chesapeake Bay receives sufficient funding to support the restoration efforts and to ensure that the six Bay watershed states and Washington, D.C. are meeting their pollution reduction goals. Among CBF's federal priorities are the Federal Farm Bill and securing funding for key federal agencies and programs essential to meeting restoration goals across the watershed. Staff also work to ensure regulations include environmental protections for the Chesapeake Bay region.
Federal Affairs staff work to educate lawmakers and officials about the importance of saving the Bay, raising the organization's profile with national media, and working with partners and grassroots individuals to engage policymakers.