CBF Mourns the Loss of Ridge Hall, Environmental Lawyer and Mentor to Many
October 23, 2023
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) joins the Chesapeake Legal Alliance and many others mourning the loss of Ridge Hall, a long-time environmental lawyer and mentor.
ASMFC Releases Addendum II to The Striped Bass Management Plan as Low Numbers Cause Concern
October 19, 2023
As low striped bass numbers in the Chesapeake Bay cause widespread concern, the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) yesterday released for public comment a fisheries management plan update that seeks to help rebuild the striped bass population.
Chesapeake Executive Council Elects MD Gov. Moore to Chair at Pivotal Time
October 19, 2023
The Chesapeake Executive Council, which leads the federal-state Chesapeake Bay restoration partnership, elected Maryland Gov. Wes Moore as its chair at its annual meeting today.
CBF Testifies in Support of Key House Bill to Bolster Bay Science, Education, and Restoration
October 18, 2023
CBF Maryland Executive Director Allison Colden today urged the House Natural Resources Committee’s Water, Wildlife and Fisheries Subcommittee to act on bipartisan legislation to support the critical scientific and educational work of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Chesapeake Bay Office.
Chesapeake Striped Bass Survey Results Show Recruitment Failure
October 12, 2023
For the fifth consecutive year, juvenile striped bass numbers remained below average in both Maryland and Virginia.
CBF Virginia Oyster Gardeners Break Record in 2023
October 6, 2023
Volunteer oyster gardeners set a record in the Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s Virginia program this year, with 691 volunteers across Virginia’s tidal waterways raising and returning 146,533 oysters in 2023.
High School Students From PA, VA, and MD Take Action at Climate Change Summit in Virginia Beach
October 2, 2023
In Virginia Beach last weekend, 40 high school students from across Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania worked to develop climate change solutions that can be implemented in their communities at the biannual CBF Student Leadership Summit.
CBF Appeals Talbot Court Decision Upholding MDE’s Trappe Wastewater Discharge Permit
September 21, 2023
Following the Talbot County Circuit Court’s dismissal of CBF's challenge to MDE's wastewater treatment permit for the Lakeside at Trappe development, CBF today filed an appeal to the Appellate Court of Maryland.
MDE to Take Comments On Industrial Stormwater Permit
September 20, 2023
Between now and Nov. 25, Maryland residents have an opportunity to provide comments to the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) concerning a permit that governs how more than 1,400 industrial facilities manage pollution from stormwater runoff.
CBF Taps Restoration Expertise to Advise White House on Valuing Nature’s Benefits
September 20, 2023
CBF urged the White House not to limit the guidance it is drafting on valuing the benefits of healthy ecosystems just to regulatory decisions in comments CBF recently submitted to the Office of Management and Budget.
Chesapeake Striped Bass Face Growing Challenges From Climate Change
September 19, 2023
Striped bass face growing challenges from habitat loss, low oxygen levels, and climate change as they struggle to recover from a significant decline on the East Coast.
Chesapeake Oyster Alliance Marks 100 Partner Milestone
September 18, 2023
The Chesapeake Oyster Alliance (COA) welcomed its 100th partner this month, marking an important milestone for the coalition.
CBF Launching Adult Education and Advocacy Course in the Nation’s Capital
September 14, 2023
CBF is bringing its comprehensive adult education and advocacy course to the Washington, D.C., metro region this fall and encourages area residents who care about clean water to register now.
CBF Food & Farm Fest Celebrates Delicious Local Fare, Family Fun, and Environmentally Friendly Farming
September 7, 2023
With fall just around the corner, CBF invites you to join our celebration of the Bay region’s best local food and drink from noon to 4 pm on Saturday, October 14, at CBF’s Clagett farm in Upper Marlboro, Maryland.
Virginia Legislators Agree to Significant Investments in Clean Water Programs
September 2, 2023
In a budget agreement reached this week, legislators in Virginia’s General Assembly agreed to amendments for the second year of Virginia’s two-year state budget for fiscal years 2023 and 2024.
Organizations Create 3D Models of Imperiled Freshwater Mussels
August 22, 2023
Scientists and imaging specialists will help save freshwater mussels, one of the most endangered classes of organisms, using 3D imaging technology.
CBF Issues Statement on Bay Program Land Use/Land Cover Data
August 17, 2023
A recent report from the Chesapeake Bay Program highlighted the loss of trees in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Following the release of the report, Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) Maryland Office Staff Attorney Matt Stegman issued this statement.
CBF Taps Paul Smail as New Top Watchdog for Clean Water and Communities that Depend on It
August 3, 2023
Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) President and CEO Hilary Harp Falk is pleased to announce that CBF has a new top watchdog protecting clean water and the communities that depend on it in Paul Smail, who has been promoted to Vice President for Litigation and General Counsel, Richard T. Pelham Chair.
ASMFC Extends Size Limit on Recreational Bass Catch but Defers Decision on Addendum to Long-Term Recovery Plan
August 2, 2023
Continuing its efforts to aid the comeback of striped bass, the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) voted yesterday to extend the emergency regulation it adopted in May to reduce striped bass mortality. The ASMFC also continued work on a draft Addendum II to the striped bass management plan outlining additional options for the long-term recovery of striped bass populations.
Senate Committee Bill Contains Encouraging Funding Increases for Bay Programs Next Year
July 28, 2023
The Senate Appropriations Committee has finished work on a fiscal year 2024 spending bill with encouraging increases for important Bay programs.
CBF Submits Ocean Justice Strategy Comments to White House
July 26, 2023
A federal ocean justice strategy should identify and empower groups that work directly with disadvantaged communities and provide under-invested communities the tools to secure long-term funding in the event federal funding lapses, CBF advised the Biden administration in recent comments.
Mira Lloyd Dock Award Recognizes Conservation and Urban Beautification Work: Nominations Now Open
July 26, 2023
The Keystone 10 Million Trees Partnership is accepting nominations for the Annual Mira Lloyd Dock Partnership Diversity Award, given in recognition of conservation work in environmental justice communities in Pennsylvania.
CBF Applauds $14.3 Million in Bay Program Grants To Benefit Pennsylvania Farms, Improve Local Waters
July 25, 2023
CBF applauded today’s announcement in Pennsylvania that $14.3 million will benefit farms and help farmers implement conservation measures to improve water quality locally and at the Chesapeake Bay.
CBF Issues Statement on Gov. Moore's Bay Restoration Announcements
July 20, 2023
On Thursday, July 20, Gov. Moore renewed his commitment to Bay restoration and announced new strategies to move efforts forward.
House Committee Bill Spares Key Bay Programs but Guts Agency Budgets and Blocks Rules Needed for Cleanup
July 20, 2023
The House Appropriations Committee has approved a fiscal year 2024 Interior-Environment spending bill that shields key Bay restoration programs from deep cuts but guts the overall EPA and Interior Department budgets.
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