This Month on the Bay: Worms in Love in June
June 12, 2018
Our Bay's worms are cornerstones of its ecological wealth.
3,000 Bushels of Oyster Shell Needed by July to Bring Back Virginia Reefs
May 10, 2018
(VIRGINIA)—Restaurants and seafood lovers are urgently needed to help provide the 3,000 bushels of oyster shells needed by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation this year to build new oyster reefs.
CBF Issues Statement on Winter Crab Dredge Survey Results
May 9, 2018
(ANNAPOLIS, MD)—Chesapeake Bay Foundation Senior Regional Ecosystem Scientist Chris Moore issued this statement following the release of the Winter Crab Dredge Survey results.
CBF Seeking Oyster Gardeners in Virginia
April 18, 2018
(VIRGINIA BEACH, VA)—The Chesapeake Bay Foundation is holding oyster gardening workshops this June on the Eastern Shore and in Hampton Roads, the Northern Neck, and Middle Peninsula that allow volunteers to support efforts by the Chesapeake Oyster Alliance to add 10 billion new oysters to the Bay by 2025.
This Month on the Bay: Springtime Silver in the Rivers in April
April 12, 2018
In the spring, our Chesapeake swells with silver: shad and river herring.
Anglers for Clean Water: John Bello
March 14, 2018
Like many of us "of a certain age," John Bello cut his angling teeth as a boy, with his father and an uncle bottom-fishing bait on oyster reefs for white perch, spot, croakers, and gray trout.
CBF Statement on Future of Menhaden Management in Virginia
March 7, 2018
(RICHMOND, VA)–Legislation aiming to protect menhaden and keep Virginia in compliance with the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission's (ASMFC) menhaden management plan has failed to advance in Virginia's General Assembly.
This Week in the Watershed: An Oyster Moon Race
March 2, 2018
Bold, ambitious, and audacious goals are usually met with one of two reactions—incredulity or inspiration.
CBF Statement on Passage of Menhaden Legislation
February 28, 2018
(RICHMOND, VA)–HB 1610, which would keep Virginia in compliance with the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission's (ASMFC) menhaden management plan, passed the House Agriculture Chesapeake and Natural Resources Committee today. Chesapeake Bay Foundation Senior Regional Ecosystem Scientist Chris Moore released the following statement.
CBF Statement on New VMRC Commissioner Steve Bowman
February 23, 2018
(RICHMOND, VA)—Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) Virginia Director Rebecca Tomazin issued the following statement on the appointment of Steve Bowman as commissioner of the Virginia Marine Resources Commission.
Anglers, Charter Boat Captains, and Conservation Groups Highlight Urgency of Menhaden Legislation
February 16, 2018
(RICHMOND, VA)—A coalition of conservation and recreational fishing organizations today urged support for new legislation that would ensure Virginia avoids the consequences of falling out of compliance with the latest menhaden fishery management plan.
This Week in the Watershed: Keep the Cap!
February 2, 2018
Ospreys soaring through the sky, dolphins jumping through the water, and rockfish on your dinner plate. What do these all have in common?
Atlantic Menhaden Are in Jeopardy Again: What Does It Mean for Stripers?
January 30, 2018
Protecting Atlantic Menhaden is like pushing a rock up a hill, over and over: the threats just keep coming.
Maryland Gets It Half Right in Selection of Next Rivers for Oyster Restoration
December 15, 2017
(ANNAPOLIS, MD)—Alison Prost, Maryland Executive Director of the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, issued this statement following the announcement Friday by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources of a "comprehensive oyster restoration plan."
Lafayette River Oyster Survey Shows Thriving Reefs
December 4, 2017
(NORFOLK, VA)–Oysters planted on constructed reefs in the Lafayette River are reproducing and thriving, according to the results of a recent survey by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation.
Volunteers and Restaurants Needed to Pitch In for Oyster Restoration
November 21, 2017
(HAMPTON ROADS, VA)—The Chesapeake Bay Foundation is seeking additional restaurants and volunteers in Hampton Roads to pitch in to restore the native oyster population during Virginia oyster month this November.
This Week in the Watershed: Bunker Battle Continues
November 17, 2017
The message was loud, clear, and nearly unanimous. More than 127,000 individuals submitted comments to the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission, and when they were tallied, a resounding 99.6 percent were in support of an ecosystem-based approach to menhaden management.
CBF Statement on ASMFC Menhaden Actions This Week
November 15, 2017
(LINTHICUM, MD)—The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s Menhaden Management Board took the following actions on Monday and Tuesday.
CBF Statement on ASMFC Menhaden Fishery Decision
November 13, 2017
(LINTHICUM, MD)—The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s Menhaden Management Board today voted to continue with the status quo for managing the menhaden fishery rather than immediately adopt limits that would take into account menhaden’s role in the food chain.
VIMS Study Identifies Tipping Point for Oyster Restoration
November 13, 2017
Defying Expectations in Baltimore's Inner Harbor
November 9, 2017
For the past five years, oysters have been growing in Baltimore's Inner Harbor through the Great Baltimore Oyster Partnership–a collaboration between Waterfront Partnership of Baltimore and the Chesapeake Bay Foundation.
This Week in the Watershed: The Bay's Bread and Butter
October 20, 2017
There are only a few days left to help the most important fish in the sea.
A Historic Opportunity for Fish and Fishermen
October 19, 2017
At one time, schools of menhaden in Virginia were so vast that fishermen and fishery managers thought the population was virtually inexhaustible.
Menhaden Monikers
October 12, 2017
"Some people call 'em bunkers, some people call 'em pogies, some people menhaden; they're all the same fish."
Scouts Come Together to Save the Bay
October 6, 2017
The Chesapeake Bay’s number one filter feeder is not one of the first things that come to mind for most Eagle Scout projects.
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