
  • Osprey Starvation in Virginia and Maryland Linked to Menhaden, New Study Finds

    September 12, 2024

    Amid continuing concerns about the availability of menhaden in the Chesapeake Bay, a study released this week shows that osprey chicks are starving in nests in parts of the Bay where they typically depend on menhaden for food.

  • Bringing Back Brook Trout

    August 29, 2024

    How restoring West Virginia's native brook trout also restores water quality, and the critical partnerships making this important work happen.

  • Between a Dead Zone and a Hot Place

    August 20, 2024

    Rising water temperatures and low-oxygen areas are yet another stressor for striped bass—especially young striped bass—in the Chesapeake Bay during summer. While management actions are the most immediate way to help striped bass, addressing chronic problems like the dead zone remains critical to the species’ long-term prospects.

  • Maryland Proposes Further Action for Menhaden in Chesapeake Bay

    August 6, 2024

    Today, the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) voted to establish a workgroup to consider additional protections from industrial fishing of menhaden in the Chesapeake Bay after hearing new survey results that show low osprey nesting success in the Bay.

  • Fish for Oyster Restoration in the 2024 Maryland Rod and Reef Slam

    August 1, 2024

    Registration is now open for one of the Chesapeake Bay’s most unique fishing tournaments—the Maryland Rod and Reef Slam.

  • Everybody’s Fish: Striped Bass on the Move

    July 5, 2024

    Their impressive annual migrations from estuarine nurseries to summer ocean feeding grounds make striped bass a cultural icon along the Atlantic Coast. But with populations struggling, the fish need many helping hands along the way.

  • Virginia Opens Winter Blue Crab Harvest Despite Opposition

    June 25, 2024

    The Virginia Marine Resources Commission (VMRC) voted 5-4 on June 25 to reopen the winter crab dredge fishery, going against VMRC’s staff recommendation and nearly 200 public comments in opposition to the reopening.

  • The Osprey Garden: A Chesapeake Eden at Risk

    June 25, 2024

    In the 1960s and ’70s, osprey almost entirely disappeared from the Bay region. The reason? The harmful insecticide DDT. After the chemical was banned, the Bay's osprey population rebounded. But today, in one portion of the Bay, osprey have plummeted to even lower levels.

  • Blue Catfish Conundrum

    June 21, 2024

    While invasive blue catfish continue to eat the Chesapeake Bay alive, the voracious predators are being released and welcomed into parts of Pennsylvania, where they are native.

  • To Thrive in the Chesapeake Bay, Striped Bass Need a Summer Vacation

    June 20, 2024

    The hot days of summer are when striped bass are most vulnerable. With the right steps now, we can rebuild a healthy striped bass fishery for the future. Anglers, find out what you can do this summer to give striped bass a boost.

  • Reopening Virginia’s Winter Crab Season a Mistake Amid Lackluster Crab Numbers

    June 20, 2024

    Despite Virginia Marine Resources Commission (VMRC) staff’s advice to keep the winter crabbing season closed, the Blue Crab Management Advisory Committee voted at their May 29 meeting to support opening the winter dredge fishery for the 2024-2025 season.

  • Bonjour Blue Crabs: Low in Chesapeake, On the Rise Elsewhere

    June 14, 2024

    While the recent blue crab survey showed numbers remain low for blue crabs in the Chesapeake, this iconic Bay species is showing up in wildly unexpected places across the globe, including France, Croatia, and Maine.

  • Chesapeake Blue Crab Numbers Remain Low Despite Signs of Improvement

    May 22, 2024

    The Chesapeake Bay blue crab population showed some signs of improvement from a previous 33-year low in recent survey results, but concerns remain about their overall decline.

  • An Uncertain Nursery

    May 13, 2024

    The Chesapeake Bay is a famed spawning ground for Atlantic striped bass. But changeable—and changing—conditions are likely contributing to the species’ troubles.

  • Oyster Reef Thrives Below Abandoned Harbor Fort

    May 4, 2024

    Even in what might seem like the unlikeliest of places, oysters have proven themselves resilient and will help us grow a better future.

  • As Striped Bass Concerns Continue, Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission Plans Next Steps

    May 2, 2024

    As concerns about low striped bass numbers continue, the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) on May 1 took additional steps to address the number of striped bass dying after being caught and released, as well as unsustainable commercial fishing rates.

  • Innovations in Oyster Aquaculture

    May 1, 2024

    Oyster Girl Oysters works to create a novel, low-cost system for flipping oyster cages and advancing the aquaculture industry.

  • Osprey Concerns Spur Renewed Discussion of Chesapeake Bay Menhaden Management at ASMFC

    May 1, 2024

    The effects of the Chesapeake Bay menhaden fishery on osprey sparked discussion at the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s (ASMFC) Atlantic Menhaden Management Board’s April 30 meeting.

  • Dire Need of Conservation

    April 4, 2024

    There’s a hard truth we must accept when it comes to Chesapeake stripers. There will be no future for striped bass, or the charter captains and watermen who rely on them, if we stick with the status quo.

  • Chesapeake Oyster Alliance Celebrates 6 Billion Oysters Added To The Bay Since 2017

    March 8, 2024

    Following a banner year for Chesapeake Bay oyster restoration and aquaculture, the Chesapeake Oyster Alliance (COA) this week announced it has recorded a new total of 6 billion oysters directly added to the Bay since 2017.

  • Secrets of the Striper

    March 6, 2024

    As pressures mount for striped bass, scientists are broadening the window on the hidden lives of these celebrated fish—while managers race to save them.

  • Little Fish, Big Trouble (Again)

    February 26, 2024

    Despite its importance to the Bay's ecosystem, menhaden face substantial pressure from the commercial fishing industry. And in yet another legislative setback, critical science needed to make informed decisions about "the most important fish in the sea" has been delayed once more.

  • Hope on the Half Shell

    February 22, 2024

    The Chesapeake Bay is now home to the world’s largest oyster reef restoration projects—and they’re showing incredible success. What comes next?

  • Chesapeake Oyster Recovery Key to Climate Resilience, Community Vitality, and the Bay’s Future, New CBF Report Says

    February 15, 2024

    With Chesapeake Bay oyster recovery at a crucial point, building on current momentum will increase resiliency to climate change in the region while creating multiple benefits for people and the environment, according to a new report released today by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation.

  • Crucial Menhaden Study Delayed by Virginia House Subcommittee

    January 30, 2024

    Following opposition by Virginia’s industrial menhaden fishery, the Commonwealth is facing yet another delay in letting science answer one of the Chesapeake Bay’s most longstanding and controversial questions.

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